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    <search sroffset="10" />
      <p ns="0" title="Pierre Daniel Huet, Traitté de l’origine des romans (1670)" snippet="...; &#039;That these Falsities which carry a Signification, and suggest an Hidden &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;Meaning&lt;/span&gt;, are not Lies,&#10;" size="71618" wordcount="11819" timestamp="2009-04-06T18:38:13Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Analysing Dramatic Communication" snippet="...viour of a figure on stage in such a way as to contradict or undermine the &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; intended by that figure” (56).&#10;" size="2049" wordcount="280" timestamp="2009-09-21T17:13:58Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Figurative Speech" snippet="any expression which implies a transference of &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;&#10;an object which suggests an implied but not entirely definite &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;. &#10;" size="4400" wordcount="648" timestamp="2009-10-27T17:07:44Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Richard III, Q1, (1597), p.3-94" snippet="&amp;amp;nbsp;&amp;amp;nbsp;&amp;amp;nbsp;&#039;&#039;Qu.&#039;&#039;&amp;amp;nbsp;&amp;amp;nbsp; Come come, we know your &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; brother Gl.&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&#10;Because I will be guiltlesse from the &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;.&amp;amp;nbsp;&amp;amp;nbsp;&amp;amp;nbsp;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;&#10;" size="217284" wordcount="40437" timestamp="2007-06-04T09:40:19Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Traditions in our discourse about literature" snippet="===The discussion of fictions (and their deeper &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;)===&#10;" size="5442" wordcount="792" timestamp="2009-10-21T10:06:07Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Figures of Speech" snippet="... substitution of forms that are grammatically different, but have the same &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; &#10;*[[antiphrasis]]: A word or words used contradictory to their usual &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;, often with irony&#10;" size="10591" wordcount="1521" timestamp="2008-04-29T09:56:32Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Assignment Answers" snippet="...ven – O is able to state a question, which H refers to - and unpersonal, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; that O could be substituted by any other charming lady.&#10;" size="2225" wordcount="372" timestamp="2007-06-02T21:32:38Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Discussion Question 1" snippet="...ven – O is able to state a question, which H refers to - and unpersonal, &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; that O could be substituted by any other charming lady.&#10;" size="2887" wordcount="473" timestamp="2007-06-03T08:52:25Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="BM1 Introduction to Literature, Aims and Requirements" snippet="*describing techniques of generating &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt; through characterisation, figurative speech and performance.&#10;" size="2564" wordcount="346" timestamp="2007-06-26T17:11:07Z" />
      <p ns="0" title="Behn, The Feign&#039;d Curtizans (1679):Introduction" snippet="...s of square brackets [ ]. In cases where mistakes could lead to changes in &lt;span class=&#039;searchmatch&#039;&gt;meaning&lt;/span&gt;, no corrections have been carried out. Small capitals have been replaced by&#10;" size="27152" wordcount="4479" timestamp="2007-07-12T13:09:31Z" />