Help:Web projects

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Revision as of 10:46, 16 May 2008 by Olaf Simons (Talk | contribs)

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A Model

See John Alistair's Britain and Europe - web resources to get an idea how this is done technically


Your project should unite its sub pages with the help of a navigation box. Use a template (Textbaustein) to do this - you create one navigation to appear on all your pages (and if you change that one navigation the change will appear on all the pages use the central navigation).

Page Names within my project

All your project pages should have page names readers from all over the world will understand. You have a project on the US presidential election 2008 and a sub page on its media coverage? "Media" will sound like a good title - yet it is only a good title for those inside your project. Anyone coming via Google from outside will be unable to tell why you produced such a one sided collection of materials - so make it rather "US Elections 2008: Media coverage".