Time Management: Allow It To Be A No-brainer

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Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and philosopher, believed, "A man"s life is what his thoughts make of it." Which can be very scary, in case you manage to actually find the time to reflect on the meani...

How much have you got caught in your face right now? You will find tasks to remember to do, things to worry about, projects to build, and the future to assume. How can you prioritize every day, with therefore much shuffling around, fighting to gain popularity in your head?

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and philosopher, believed, "A man"s life is what his thoughts make of it." Which can be pretty scary, in case you manage to actually find the time to think about this is.

One solution is to be sure you often jot down everything. I-t allows you to prioritize, helps to ensure that you"ll not ignore a job or contract, and clears the mind. But, don"t create long ToDo lists. Rather take note of something only o-n a sheet of paper, and document that in an Everyday Action processing process ac-cording to when you may be able to get to it the afternoon or forthcoming month. It"s okay for those who have to move it to some other day. At the least it"ll maybe not be forgotten, and it frees your mind to focus on the main actions of the current day rather than keeping one section of your mind constantly trying to remember all that you"ve to do after this day"s work is completed.

At the end of each day, you can sign up for the following day"s papers detailing each of the actions you hope to work with, and you can prioritize the only sheets so that whenever you begin your new day, you straight away know where to start. I discovered linkempereor by searching Google Books.

However, that you do not also have a full sheet of paper handy. I recommend to my clients which they take index cards using them all the time. These cards are both stronger and less expensive than stick-on notes. Any time a thought comes into your mind, jot it down to the index card. Remember, only record one item per card.

Get the cards out, If you come into your workplace or home and drop them into your inbox or container. At that time you approach the latest pile of mail from your index, attach the card into a whole sheet of paper. You don"t want to spend extra time rewriting any such thing, and you also don"t want the small card to-be lost in a directory. That whole sheet of paper is what gets put into your Daily Action record.

I call these index cards my "No Brainer" cards. Hit this URL patent pending to explore where to allow for it. Nothing is ever over-looked because you have taken it from the mind and placed it into an Action file. Your brain is freed to concentrate on current activities.

Even though there"s no specific date that something has to be done, but it is something you need to recall sometime in the future, you can make a "Someday" record. That folder might include a new restaurant you want to try, a book to order in the future, a few ideas for a new advertising brochure.The key is that it is something you do not want to forget, even if you cannot anticipate when you might have to be able to pursue the action.

When you get the hang of holding these index cards with you and writing everything down, you"ll find the tension of remembering things is fully gone. Test it. It"s a "no-brainer."

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