A Hooray For High-Velocity Air Conditioners

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Relax. Even if you have an older home, you don"t have to resign yourself to living without the advantages of central air-conditioning. A new technology called high-velocity air-conditioning could be added to nearly every home-even those without active ductwork.

How It Works

Also referred to as "mini-duct" systems, high-velocity air-conditioning generally uses an outdoor compressor to cool the air, along with a high-pressure fan (usually mounted in the loft). Clicking ::Brask"s Blog:: Mini Chihuahua An Superb Dog For Apartment Living - Indyarocks.com perhaps provides cautions you could tell your dad.

Instead of bulky metal ductwork, this technology, manufactured by SpacePak, uses flexible tubing only two inches in length. Learn further on this affiliated encyclopedia by navigating to company web site. The covered tubes can be threaded behind walls or inside cabinets without harmful sheetrock or plaster. This makes the device significantly quieter than air-conditioning through traditional metal ductwork.

A mini-duct program also dehumidifies the air more effectively. The high-pressure blower compresses the air and allows it to be in contact with the cooling coils longer-which reduces the heat and eliminates more humidity.

It is All Central

Actually, "high-velocity" and mini-duct" systems are only different names for the exact same kind of super-efficient and relaxed central air-conditioning systems. These systems are very quiet, distribute the cool air evenly through your home and dehumidify very effectively. Get supplementary resources on a partner link - Browse this URL: rate us.

What "high-velocity" and "pres-sure" will make you imagine these systems are noisy. Really, it is possible to barely hear them working and there is no venting noise at the sites.

In houses, the mini-ducts are run down from the attic through the edges of the closets or inside walls for the first floor. In a single-story home, the entire system is located in the attic with stores in the ceiling below.

SpacePak"s mini-duct systems use standard, high-efficiency, outside air-conditioning compressor units. With this particular mini-duct process, cool air blows from tiny two-inch openings in the ceiling or at the top of the walls. If they are painted the same color since the room you can hardly notice the retailers. For a attractive look, normal wood sites can be found..

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