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(Freie Termine)
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==Freie Termine==
==Available lecture slots==
Kursiv gesetzte Termine liegen direkt vor oder nach einem bereits fixierten Termin.
06.01.2010 <br>
==Planungen für das Sommersemester 2010==
==Preview of the summer term 2011==
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==Text für den Veranstaltungsplaner==
Forschungskolloquium des Seminars für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Di 18-20, A6 2-212
Research Colloquium of the English Department
Das Kolloquium dient der Vorstellung und Diskussion von laufenden Projekten und neuen Entwicklungen in allen Teilgebieten der Anglistik/Amerikanistik sowie der benachbarten Disziplinen. Das Format ist flexibel, im allgemeinen schließt sich an einen ca. 45-minütigen Vortrag eine ebenfalls ca. 45-minütige Diskussion an.
Wed. 18-20h, A6 2-212
Die Vortragenden sind i.a. Lehrende, DoktorandInnen des Seminars sowie Gäste und VertreterInnen benachbarter Disziplinen.
Bitte beachten: Die Sitzungen finden in unregelmäßiger Folge statt. InteressentInnen können sich von h.limberg@uni-oldenburg.de oder annika.mcpherson@uni-oldenburg.de in einen Email-Verteiler aufnehmen lassen. Näheres auch unter
The colloquium offers a broad spectrum of research topics from the field of English Studies. Lecturers are invited to give a presentation of their current research topics, (dissertation) projects, or upcoming conference presentations. The format is flexible and also open to students and colleagues from other fields in the social sciences and humanities. The talk takes about 45 - 60 minutes and is usually followed by a 30-minute discussion.
Presenters are faculty members, doctoral students as well as guests from other universities and neighboring disciplines.
Please note that the lectures take place sporadically throughout the term. The default date is Wednesday night at 6 pm in A6 2-212. Exceptions can be made if presenters come from outside out the university. See the schedule for details.
* [http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/fk1/instpaed/download/Formulare/dozent-referent-beauftragung.doc Dozent/Referent-Beauftragung]
* [http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/anglistik/lit-wiss/downloads/Angl-Am-Kolloquium-2008-06-30.doc Word-doc Vorlage für Poster]

Latest revision as of 12:47, 10 December 2009

Available lecture slots


Preview of the summer term 2011



Research Colloquium of the English Department

Wed. 18-20h, A6 2-212

The colloquium offers a broad spectrum of research topics from the field of English Studies. Lecturers are invited to give a presentation of their current research topics, (dissertation) projects, or upcoming conference presentations. The format is flexible and also open to students and colleagues from other fields in the social sciences and humanities. The talk takes about 45 - 60 minutes and is usually followed by a 30-minute discussion.

Presenters are faculty members, doctoral students as well as guests from other universities and neighboring disciplines.

Please note that the lectures take place sporadically throughout the term. The default date is Wednesday night at 6 pm in A6 2-212. Exceptions can be made if presenters come from outside out the university. See the schedule for details.