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I) King Arthur (KA) wants to get married and asks Merlin for advice. He wants to marry Gwenever, the daughter of Londgrean, King of Cumberland. Merlin respondes that this is a bad idea, bc she is / will fall in love with Sir Launcelot. KA however sticks to his choice and asks Merling to get her for him. Londgrean is so pleased to hear that KA wants to marry his daughter that he offers KA the Table Round - that Utherpendragon gave him - including 100 knights.
II) When Merlin returnes with Gwenever and the 100 knights, KA wants him to search for another 50 knights to fill up the Table Round. [funny, I always thought that only 12 knights belong to the table round rather then 150] He finds 20 + 13 knights, before the archebishop of Caunterbury gives him another 8 + 20. [ to me that makes 51... ] The names of the knights are engraved in the seats of the Tableround, but 2 of them remain blank. Gawayn comes to KA and asks him to make him a knight at his marriage. Since Gawayn his KA's nephew it will be done.