Talk:Main Page
"Modulkonferenz" BM1, WS 08/09 Terminvorschläge:
Bitte tragt Euch hinter den Terminen ein, zu denen Ihr da sein könnt.
- Do 15.1.09, 18-19 h -- Anton Kirchhofer
- Mi 21.1.09, 15-16 h -- Anton Kirchhofer
- Do 22.1.09, 18-19 h -- Anton Kirchhofer
Main Page:Design
Wikis allow and invite modifications from all sides. The enormous flexibility is the special advantage the technology offers - it allows the publication of ever changing information. Massive and structural changes on those pages used by all should be made carefully. It is hence good practice to test an improved design in a "sandbox" for a while:
Use this page if you feel you can offer an improved main page and subordinate link structure. A week or two of sneak preview and debate will be well invested. The seminar's staff and Fachschaft should ultimately give their votes before a new structure of the whole is implemented.
If you simply feel you personally could live with far less links - just your courses and perhaps the calendar - turn your personal user page (visit Anna Auguscic's page for an example) into the page you use to navigate within this wiki.