Le Morte Darthur Book 14

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(1) While visiting his aunt Parcival finds about the death of his mother and about the red knight who "worcheth alle by myracle" and "shall never be overcome of none erthely mans hand" (predetermination).

(2) His aunt even tells him (predetermination) about the emblematic meaning of the round table, about the manifestation of the holy grail (christianity) and about the knight who "shalle passe alle other knyghtes" (reference to Sir Galahad (?)). After that Parcival leaves his aunt's castle to find Galahad (evidence: Castel of Carbonek).

(3) Parcival arrives at a monastery and knocks at its gates. In the morning he hears the mass and comes to know about king Evelake's fate who was dismissed from serving Ioseph of Armathye and the holy grail (maybe a key scene: christianity) and chastised by God.

predetermination/foreshadowing, christianity: King's prayer: "Faire lord lete me never dye tyl the good knyghte of my blood of the ix degree be come that I may see him openly that he shal encheve the Sancgreal that I may kysse him."

(4) The narration about king Evelake's past continues and we find out that his imploration was answered by God. After Parcival has left the monastery he is attacked by twenty knights and saved by Sir Galahad.