Le Morte Darthur (1485):Dictionary

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The following dictionary does also appear alongside the html-edition I provided at http://www.pierre-marteau.com/editions/1485-morte-darthur.html. Do not hesitate to expand this list - I will follow your wishes and expand the html-list accordingly. If you have problems with words not listed here, do consult the OED [1] or list your problematic word bellow and I will offer the translation into modern English. --Olaf Simons 11:24, 6 August 2007 (CEST)

abasshe, v. beat down, lower

abate, depress, calm

aboughte, v. pa. t. paid for

abrayde, v. pa. t. got up

accompte, count, reckon

accorde, bring to accord, reconcile

accordement, agreement

actually, actively

acquyte, repay

adoubted, afraid

adrad, afraid

advysyon, vision

affyaunce, affiance, promise

afterdele, disadvantage

aknown, known

allegyeaunce, alleviation

allow, approve

almeryes, chests

amounted, mounted

anguysshly, in pain

anon, at once

apayre, weaken

apparelled, fitted up

appeach, impeach

appealed, challenged, accused

appertyces, displays

araged, (1) enraged, (2) confused

araysed, raised

arase, obliterate

areared, reared

armyvestal, martial

array, plight, state of affairs

arrayed, situated

arsson, n. saddle-bow

askance, casually

assoyled, absolved

assotted, infatuated

assummon, summon

astonyed, amazed, stunned

at, of, by

at after, after

avaunt, boast

avayl at, at an advantage

aventryd, couched

avoyd, quit

avow, vow

avoyded, got clear off

avysed, be advised, take thought

avysyon, vision

away ward, away

awayt of (in), in watch for

awke, sideways

bachelor, probationer for knighthood

bacyn, n. hollow vessel

barbycan, gate-tower

barget, little ship

baume, n. balm, annointment

bawdy, dirty

bayne, bath

beamous, n. pl. a kind of trumpets

beclosed, enclosed

become, pp. befallen, gone to

bedasshed, splashed

behest, promise

beholden (beholding) to, obliged to

behote, promise

behyght, promised

benome, deprived, taken away

besauntes, gold coins

beseke, beseech

besene, appointed, arrayed

beskyfte, shove off

bestyal, collective n. animals, horses

betaught, entrusted, recommended

betooke, committed, entrusted

betyde, happened

beverd, quivered

blee, n. complexion

bobaunce, boasting, pride

bole, trunk of a tree

boote, remedy

borow oute, redeem

borowes, pledges

bote, remedy

bounde, ready

bourded, jested

bourder, jester

boyshe, bush, branch of a tree

boystous, rough

braced, embraced

brachet, little hound

brayde, quick movement

breste, burst, break

brethes, breathing holes

broched, pierced

broches, spits

bryef, shorten

brymme, fierce, furious

brysed, hurt, broke

buffet, blow

bur, hand-guard of a spear

burbley, bubbling

burgeis, burgess, townsman

burgene, v. blossom

burgh, n. city castle

busshe(ment), ambush

by and by, immediately

bystad, pp. hard pressed, attacked

bywaryd, expended, bestowed

canelbone, collar bone

cankered, inveterate

cantel, slice, strip

careful, sorrowful, full of troubles

cast (1 of bread:) loaves baked at the same time (2) propose

cedle, schedule, note

cere, wax over, embalm

certes, certainly

chafe, (1) heat, decompose, (2) chafed, heated

chaflet, platform, scaffold

champayne, open country

charyot cart

chere, (1) countenance, (2) entertainment

chyerte, dearness

clater, talk confusedly

cleyghte, v. pa. t. clutched

clepyd, called

clypyng, embracing

cogge, broad transport ship

cognoyssaunce, badge, mark of distinction

comforte, strengtten, help

comynal, common

complysshed, complete

con, know, be able

conserve, preserve

conversaunt, abiding in

cordynge, agreement

coronal, circlet

coste, coast, side

costed, kept up with

couche, v. lay

courage, encourage

courtelage, courtyard

covert, sheltered

covetyse, covetousness

covyn, deceit

coyfe, head-piece

credence, faith

creme, oil

croupe, crupper

curteys, adv.courteous, curteyst, most courteous

daffyssh, foolish

daunger (in), under obligation to, in the power of

dawed, (1) revived, (2) dawned

deadly, mortal, human

deal, part, portion

debonair, courteous

deceyvable, deceitful

defaded, faded

defaulte, fault

defende, forbid

defoyled, trodden down, fouled, deflowered

degree (win the), rank, superiority

delybered, determined

delyverly, adroitly

departed, divided

departycyon, departure

dere, a. (1) dear, (2) v. harm

descryve, describe

despoylled, stripped

devoyr, duty, service

disaventure, misfortune

discover, reveal

disheryted, disinherited

disparpyld, scattered

dispencys, expenses

disperplyd, scattered

dispoylled, stripped

distayned, sullied, dishonoured

disworshyp, shame

dole, (1) n. sorrow, (2) n. gift of alms

domyneth, dominates, rules

doted, foolish

doubted, redoubtable

doughty, valliant

draughtes, privities, secret interviews, recesses

drenched, drowned

dress, make ready

dressid (1) dressed, (2) raised

dretched, troubled in sleep

dretchyng, being troubled in sleep

dromoundes, war vessels

dure, (1) endure, last, (2) dared, (3) during

duresse, bondage, hardship

dwyned, dwindled

devysed, looked carefully at

dyght, prepared

dyndled, trembled

eased, entertained

efte, after, again

eftures, passages

elate, adv. proud, high spirited

eme, uncle

emprised, undertook

enbrayde, upbraid, admonish

enbusshement, ambush

enchaffed, enchafed, heated

enchieve, achieve

endlong, alongside of

enewed, painted

enforce, constrain

engyne, device

enqueste, enterprise

ensure, assure

entermete, intermeddle

erraunte, wandering

estates, ranks

even handes (on), at an equality

even long, along

everyche, each, every one

fayter, vagabond

fare, behave, carry on, happen

faren, pp., treated

faute, v. lack

fealte, oath of fidelity

fear, frighten

fordyd, destroyed

feutred, feutryd, v. pa. t. set in socket

fewter, dedicated rest fo a lance on amour

flang, (1) flung, (2) rushed

flatlynge, prostrate

flete, float

flemed, put to flight

foote hote, hastily

forblede, spend with bleeding

force, n. and v. (1) force (2) n. concern

fordele, advantage

fordo, destroy

fore cast, preconcerted plot

foyled, defeated, shamed

foyned, thrust

foynes, thrusts

foynynge, thrusting

fur fared, v. pa. t. worsted

forfende, forbid

forfoughten, weary with fighting

forhewen, hewn to pieces

foriusted, tired with jousting

forthynketh, repents

fortuned, happened

forward, vanguard

forwounded, sorely wounded

free, noble

froward, away from

gad, n. wedge or spike of iron

gaynest, readiest

gar, v. cause, force, garte, pa. t.

gentyly, noble

gerfaukon, a fine hawk

germayne, closely allied

geste, deed, story

glayve, sword

glasting barking

glatysaunt, barking, yelping

goblets, lumps

graythed, made ready

gree, degree, superiority

greed, pp., pleased, content

gresys, steps

grovellynge, on his face

grymly, ugly

gwerdonless, without reward

gysarm, halberd, battle-axe

haberion, hauberk with leggings attached

hale & how, a sailor's cry

halp, v. pa. t. helped

halsed, embraced

halsing, embracing

hand fast, betrothed

handsel, earnest-money

hangers, testicles

hauberk, coat of mail

haute, high, noble

hauteyn, haughty

hayr, a hair-shirt

harneis, armour

heavy, sad

hem, them

her, their

herbegeours, messengers sent to prepare lodgings

hert of greese, fat deer

hete, (1) n. heat, (2) v. and n. hate, rebuke

hit, it

holden, pp. held

holpe, v. pa. t. helped

holtys, woods

hors lytter, horse-drwawn stretcher

houghbone, rear thigh bone

houseld, to be given the eucharist

hoved, hovered, waited about

hurled, dashed, staggered

hurtle, dash

hyde, (1) v. hide, (2) n. skin

hye, v. hurry

(on) hyghe, aloud

hyghte, hyte called

hylled, covered, concealed

iaper, jester

iapes, jests

iesseraunte, a short cuirass

incontynent, forthwith

ind, dark blue

kepe, sb., care

kempys, champions

kinde, nature

kyndely, natural

knouleche, knowledge, message

know, acknowledge

knowlechynge, acknowledgment, confession

kytte, v. pa. t. cut

langerynge, sauntering

lapped, took in her lap

large, generous

largenesse, liberality

lasse, v. lessen, diminish

latoen, latten, brass

launde, waste plain

layne, conceal

lazar cote, leper-house

learys, n. pl. cheeks

lecher, fornicator

legeaunce, n. allegiance

leche, physician

lemman, lover

lerne, teach

lete, v. (1) cause to, (2) hinder

leve, (1) n. permission v. leave, (2) v. love a. dear

lever, rather

lewdest, most ignorant

long, n. lung, v. belong, be appropriate

long on (upon), because of

loos, praise

lotles, without a share

love day, day for settling disputes

loving, praising

lunys, leashes, strings

luske, lubber

lustes, inclinations

lycours, lecherous

lyef, dear

lyefer, more gladly

lymme meal, limb from limb

lyst, desire, pleasure

lythe, joint

makeles, matchless

makers, authors, poets

male ease, discomfort

male engine, evil design

male fortune, ill-luck, mishap

marches, berders

masse peny, offering at mass for the dead

matchecold, machicolated, with holes for defence

maugre, prep. in spite of

maymes, wounds

medele, melee, general encounter

medled, mingled

melyon, million

meve, move, bring, inspire, propose

meyny, retinue

mykel, much

mynever, ermine

mischieved, hurt

mo, more

more and lasse, rich and poor

mote, v. must

motys, n. pl. horn blasts

mountenaunce, amount of, extent

moche, much

myschevous, painful

myscomforte, discomfort

myscreauntes, unbeliever

myssaye, (1) revile, (2) missaid

naked, unarmed, bare

namely, especially

ne, nor

nedely, needs, on your own compulsion

nobley, nobility, splendour

noysed, reported

nold, would not

noselynge, on his nose

not for thenne, nevertheless

notoyrly, notoriously

noyous, hurtful

nyghe, near

nylle, will not, nylt, 3rd. pers.

nys, (ne is), is not

nyst, (ne wist), knew not

obeyssance, obedience

or, ere, before

orgule, haughtiness

orgulist, haughtiest

orgulous, orgulus, proud

orgulyte, pride, arrogance

other, or

ouches, jewels

ought, owned, belonged to

out cepte, v. pa. t. singled him out

outher, or

oute taken, except

over, all too

over evening, last night

over get, v. overtake

over hylled, pp. covered

over longe, prep. along

over slyp, pass

overthwarte, prep. across, over, v. bring to fall, cross n. surprise

overthwartly, adv. askew

overthwart and endlong, by the breadth and length

palfroy, n. horse trained in the special pace suitable for women

paltockes, n. pl. short coats

parage, descent

pareylle, like

parter, n. marshal

passing, surpassingly

paynture, painting

paynym, pagan

paytrellys, breastplate of a horse

pees, n.  peace

pensel, pennon

peramour, lover

percloos, partition

peron, tombstone

perygot, falcon

pleasaunce, pleasure

plenour, complete

poyntelynge, aiming

porte, gate

posseded, possessed

potestate, governor

precessours, predecessors

presse, throng

pretende, claim

pretendith, belongs to

profre, offer

pryckynge, spurring

pryker, hard rider

pryme, 6 am

puyssaunce, power

purfyl, trimming

purfyled, embroidered

purvey, provide

pyght, pitched

pyke, steal away

pyked, stole

pyllars, plunderers

pyllynge, plundering

quarels, n. (1) quarrels (2) arrowheads

questynge, barking

quyck, alive

quyt, (1) repaid, (2) acquitted, behaved

raced, (rased) tore

rake, herd (of bulls)

raynes, (1) reins (2) a town in brittany famous for its cloth

raumppynge, raging

raunge, rank, station

ransakyd, searched

rasshed, fell headlong

rasshynge, rushing

rasure, n. obliteration

rasyng, rushing

raundon, impetuosity

rere, raise

rechate, n. note of recall

recomforted, comforted, cheered

recounter, rencontre, encounter

recover, rescue

rede, (1) a. red, (2) v. advise, counsel

redounded, glanced back

relygyon, religious order

reneye, deny

reporte, refer

resemblaunt, semblance

retrayed, drew back

rightwys, rightly

rofe, pp. see ryve

romed, roared

roted, practised

rownsepyk, a branch

ryvage, shore

ryve, v. stab, split, tear, ryed, pa. t. rofe pp.

sacrynge, consecrating

sad, serious

sadly, heartily, earnestly

sale, room

salewe, v. salute, greet

samyte, n. silk stuff with gold or

san(c)greal, holy grail

sarpys, girdles

sawe, (1) v. pa. t. saw, (2) n. proverb, saying

scathe, v. harm, hurt

score, twenty

scrypture, writing, bible

search, probe wounds

seasse, v. cease

selar, canopy

semblable, like

semblaunt, semblance

sendale, fine cloth

servage, slavery

sewar, officer who set on dishes and tasted them

shaftmon, hand breadth

shawe, thicket

sheef, v. pa. t. thrust

sherthursdaye, thursday in holy week

shende, harm

shenship, disgrace

shente, undone, blamed

shoure, attack

shrewe, rascal

shrewde, knavish

skarmusshed, skirmished, fought

skyfte, changed

slade, valley

slake, glen

soyle (to go to), hunting term for taking the water

somme, some

sondes, messages

sorte, company

sperd, bolted

spere, ask, inquire

spered, asked

sperhauk, sparrothawk

sprente, sprinkled

stale, position

starke, thoroughly

stede, place

sterte, started, rose quickly

stonyed, (1) astonished, (2) became confused

stoure, battle

strene, race, descent

straked, v. pa. t. (1) stroke (2) blew a horn

strayte, narrow

stygh, path

stylly, silently

stynte, fixed revenue

sudgerned, v. pa. t. sojourned

sursenglys, saddle girths

swange, v. pa. t. swung

sweven, dream

swough, sound of wind

syb, akin to

sydelyng, sideways

syege, seat

sygnefyed, likened

syker, sure

sykernesse, assurance

syth, since

sythen, afterwards, since

talent, desire

tamyd, crushed

tatches, qualities

taylles, taxes

tene, sorrow

terme, period of time

the, (1) the, (2) pron. thee, thyself

thye, thigh

thylk, that same

tho, (1) those, (2) then

thrange, pushed

threstyd, v. pa.t. thrusted

thrulled, pushed

to brast, burst

tofore, before

to morowe, to morne to-morrow

took, gave

to shevered, broken to pieces

thredys, threads

traced, advanced and retreated

trainys, devices, wiles

traverse, adv. slantwise, v.  move sideways

tray, grief

treatyce, treaty

tree, n. (1) tree, (2) timber

trenchaunt, cutting, sharp

trest, hunting term trap, point of ambush

truage, tribute

trussed, packed

tyll, (1) until, (2) to

ubblye, wafer, host

umbecast, cast about

umberere, the part of the hel et which shaded the eyes

umbre, shade

unavised, thoughtlessly

uncouth, strange

underne, about 9 pm

ungoodely, rudely

unhappy, unlucky

unhylled, uncovered

unneth, scarcely

unsyker, unstable

unwympeled, uncovered

unwrast, untwisted, unbound

upryght, flat on the back

up so doune, upside down

use, usage

utas, octave of a festival

utteraunce, uttermost

varlet, servant

venery, hunting

ventayls, breathing holes

voyded, slipped away from

vylayn, man of low birth

vyser, visor, the perforated parts of helmets

waggynge, shaking

wayted, watched

waytes, watches

wallop, gallop

wanhope, despair

wappe, ripple

warre, aware

waryson, reward

warne, forbid, refuse

weder, n. weather

wedys, garments

welde, v. wield, rule; carry

wene, v. believe, think, expect, wened, pa. t.

wete, v. know, find out; wote (wyste)  pa. t.

where, whereas

wight, brave, strong

wightly, swiftly

withinforth, on the inside

wold or nold, would or would not

wonder, adj. wondrous

wonderly, wonderfully

wood, a. adv. mad, insane(ly), fierc(ly)

woodness, madness

wood shawe, thicket of the wood

worship, honour

worshipped, cause to be honoured

wortes, roots

wote, know

wrake, destruction

wroken, wreaked

wrothe, twisted

wyde where, over wide space

wympeled, with the head covered

wynne, make way

wyte, v. blame

yede, v. pa. t. went

yeftes, n. gifts

yelde, v. yield, yielded, v. pa. t., yelden, pp.

yerde, stick, stem

yeve, v. give

yode v. pa. t. went

yolde, v. pa. t., yielded, yolden, pp.

yole, Yule, Christmas