2008 AM Center and Margin: Conversations across the British Literary Tradition

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Please note that this course will start on May 19!

Since the course will not officially meet until May 19, here is a list of initial primary readings that we’ll cover in the first several weeks of lecture. A full list of readings and required assignments will be provided at the first class meeting.

  1. Beowulf, (translation by Seamus Heaney). We’ll focus primarily on the first two episodes, the encounters with Grendel and Grendel’s mother (pages 3-131/lines 1-1904), although students are welcome to read beyond that in preparation for lecture. When the class meetings begin, I’ll also bring in some material about Heaney as a translator, which is why I’ve ordered this edition specifically.
  2. William Shakespeare, The Tempest
  3. Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels. We’ll be talking mostly about Book 4 (“A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms”), but students are again welcome to read beyond that.