Problems of Genre

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This page is for the expert group "Problems with Genre". I would suggest that everyone posts what he /she has already found out so that everyone has access to the same information! Katrin Menzel 20:14, 15 June 2008 (CEST)

Typical features of Historical Novels of the late 17th and early 18th century

1. Two protagonists --> man and woman, relation is based on romance -->Struggle for love (Tudor p.126; Tachmas p. 42) We definitely have to talk about this feature again. We already found last week that there is more than 1 couple in the stories

2. Very expressive, delightful use of language (Tudor p.20; Tachmas p.6)

3. Texts do not intend to present space or society, focus on romance and actions at court --> homogeneous social class (Tudor p.19; Tachmas p. 5)

4. Not tightly bound to space and time

5. Historical references are minor points or are even invented (Tudor p.28; Tachmas p. 104)

6. Emphasis on emotions (Tudor p. 152; Tachmas p. 54) o Emotions vs. Rationality (Tudor p.124; Tachmas p.39)

7. Contains intrigues and treacheries (Tudor p.149 ; Tachmas p.78)

8. Overlapping actions --> „in the meantime“ (Tudor p.147,p.138,p.137; Tachmas p.30,p.50,p.65)

9. Imply moral values to the audience (Tudor p. 10; Tachmas p.91)

10. Tragic ending (Tudor p. 154; Tachmas p. 109)