2009 AM Literature and the School System
From Angl-Am
- Time: Thursdays 10-12 am
Course Description
Introduction. Technicalities.
- Past vs. present Perpectives
- Academic vs. Pedagogical Perspectives
- Foreign Language Instruction vs. Native Language Teaching of Literature.
A Look Back: Literature and Pedagogy, 1908 and 1934:
Training Teachers of Literature at the University, then and now (1887/2006):
Cambers and Gregory, Teaching and Learning Literature, Ch. 5.
Critical, Theoretical and Historical Perspectives:
- Bourdieu, Pirre : ‘Elemente zu einer soziologischen Theorie der Kunstwahrnehmung’, Zur Soziologie der symbolischen Formen 159-201.
- Hunter, Ian: ‘Leaning the Literature Lesson: The Limits of the Aesthetic Personality’, Towards a Critical Sociology of Teaching Pedagogy Ed. Carolyn D. Baker, Allan Luke, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 1991, 49-82.
- Board of Education: The Teaching of English in England, London: HMSO, 1921 (Newbolt Report).
- Brown, George: On the Teaching of English in Elementary and High Schools, Chicago: University of Chicago, 1906.
- Collins, John C.: ‘Can English Literature Be Taught?’ The Nineteenth Century, 129 (1887:Nov.), 1887, 642-658.
- Collins, John C.: The Study of English Literature, London: Macmillan, 1891.
- English Association, The: English Papers in Examinations for Pupils of School Age in England and Wales, London 1917.
- McMillan, M: Education through the Imagination, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1904.
- McNary, S. J.: ‘The Preparation of a Class for a Lesson in Literature’, The Pedagogical Seminary, 15, 1908, 484-491. The Pedagogical Seminary, 15, 1908.
- Sampson, George: ‘Literature in the Classroom’, Essays and Studies XX (1934), 123-134.
- Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet, London, 1597.
- Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet, London, 1599.
- Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet, London, 1609.
- Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet, London, 1622.
- Shakespeare, William: Shake-Speares Sonnets, London, 1609.
- Bourdieu, Pirre : ‘Elemente zu einer soziologischen Theorie der Kunstwahrnehmung’, Zur Soziologie der symbolischen Formen 159-201.
- Hunter, Ian: ‘Leaning the Literature Lesson: The Limits of the Aesthetic Personality’, Towards a Critical Sociology of Teaching Pedagogy Ed. Carolyn D. Baker, Allan Luke, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 1991, 49-82.