Notes and observations from your language tutor (Aufbaumodule)
From Angl-Am
English Didactics |
October 2008
- Mistake: “You need not necessarily grammar.”
- Context: talking about the CLT approach
- Problem: syntax
- Solution: “You don’t necessarily need grammar.”
- Betriebswirtschaftslehre = business administration
- cue (our context: cue cards): “a signal for someone to do something” (see Cambridge Online Dictionary) = Hinweis, z.B. Regiesignal
- Realia = realia see also pronunciation
- communicative – pronunciation
- Unterpunkt = subitem
- Leistungsbereitschaft = willingness to perform; motivation
- Hypothesen prüfen = to test hypotheses
- Hypothesenbildung = formulating hypotheses
- Reifungsprozesse = maturation processes
- Erarbeitung = development, formulation
November 2008
- Lernziele sollen heute in Stundenmodellen als „Kompetenzen“ formuliert werden.
- Eselsbrücke = mnemonic aid
- Bildung = education, formal education
- Erziehung = upbringing, education, training (I think it is difficult to differentiate between "Bildung" and "Erziehung" in English. I seem to remember from Pädagogik that the term "Bildung" is unique to the German language. The above translations are those from Langenscheidt.)
- Abstimmung = vote
- Bauchgefühl = gut feeling, gut instinct
- Mistake: “What does monitoring mean in context of language acquisition?”
- Context: talking about pronunciation
- Problem: definite article missing
- Solution: “What does monitoring mean in the context of language acquisition?”
- Mistake: “They don’t know how to spell a 'th'.”
- Context: talking about pronunciation
- Problem: word choice
- Solution: “They don’t know how to pronounce a 'th'.”
- Mistake: “They have to look on the pronunciation.”
- Context: talking about pronunciation exercises in textbooks
- Problem: word usage
- Solution: “They have to look at the pronunciation.” Or “They have to concentrate on the pronunciation.”
- workbooks/exercise books vs. textbooks
- Lautschrift = phonetic transcription
- Mistake: “I am able to differ the sounds.”
- Context: talking about pronunciation exercises in textbooks
- Problem: word usage
- Solution: “I am able to differentiate between the sounds.”
- Einsprachig = monolingual
- personage - pronunciation
- jemandem eine Frage stellen = to ask somebody a question/to put a question to somebody (as far as I found both options are correct, although I would never use the second option)
- Begrenzung = limitation/restriction
- Eingrenzung = perimeter, containment (aber je nach Kontext kann die Bedeutung vielleicht anders sein – leider kann ich mich nicht daran erinnern, in welchem Kontext dieses Wort benutzt wurde)
- moderieren = (TV) present, (Am.) moderate (see Merriam Webster online)
- to facilitate = erleichtern
- moderator (see Merriam Webster online)
- facilitator = (see Merriam Webster online) (I think this term best suits our purpose in class, because a facilitator is someone that helps to bring about an outcome (as learning, productivity, or communication) by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance, guidance, or supervision <the workshop's facilitator kept discussion flowing smoothly>)
- Handlungsorientierung = task-based learning
- handlungsorientiert = task-based
- selbstverständlich = (adj.) self-evident, obvious, natural; etwas als selbstverständlich betrachten = take something for granted; (adv.) of course, naturally
- Mistake: “Important is also …”
- Context: we were discussing features of CLT
- Problem: syntax
- Solution: “It is also important that …”
- War das eine Meldung? = Did you raise your hand?
- Mistake: “The topic is getting boring after awhile.”
- Context: talking about authentic language use; topics taught in the classroom
- Problem: tense
- Solution: “The topic gets boring after awhile.”
- Mistake: “That’s not really a new knowledge for them.”
- Context: talking about authentic language use
- Problem: indefinite article
- Solution: “That’s not really new knowledge for them.”
- Didaktisierung = didactization
- Leistungserwartungen = performance expectations
- außerschulisch = extracurricular (when referring to out-of-school activities such as sports or clubs)
- Mistake: "... to do something all the day."
- Context: talking about consciousness-raising
- Problem: article
- Solution: "... to do something all day."
- anwenden = to apply
- Nachhilfe = private lessons
December 2008
- Suchworträtsel = word search
- Kreuzworträtsel = crossword puzzle
- Mistake: “Is that an vocabulary exercise?”
- Context: talking about vocabulary exercises in workbooks
- Problem: indefinite article
- Solution: “Is that a vocabulary exercise?”
- Mistake: “The students should learn to think as well as write English.”
- Context: talking about vocabulary exercises in workbooks
- Problem: word usage
- Solution: “The students should learn to think as well as write in English.”
- Mistake: “I tend to get convinced by this opinion.”
- Context: talking about vocabulary exercises in workbooks
- Problem: word usage
- Solution: “I tend to be convinced by this opinion.”
- Mistake: “The exercise gives you a way how to connect the words.”
- Context: talking about vocabulary exercises in workbooks
- Problem: word usage
- Solution: “The exercise gives you a way to connect the words.” Or “The exercise shows you how to connect the words.”
- mediation (skills) – see Merriam Webster for pronunciation
- sensibilisieren = to sensitize
- Mistake: vocabularies
- Context: talking about vocabulary exercises in workbooks
- Problem: vocabulary does not take the plural form in English
- Solution: vocabulary (pl.)
January 2009
- einschätzen = estimate, evaluate
- umgehen mit = to handle, deal with
- Leitmedien = leading media, most used media, most important media (these are my suggestions for the following context)
- Context: Why are textbooks the Leitmedien in the classroom?
- Erziehungsziel = (major or central) educational goal (also my suggestion)
- Mistake: “I’ve already teached it…”
- Context: talking about content in textbooks
- Problem: form of past participle
- Solution: “I’ve already taught it…”
- Ebene = level
- Mistake: “Isn’t it up to the teacher to decide what kind of relationship do they want to have with their students?”
- Context: talking about communicative competence
- Problem: “do” not needed in this case
- Solution: “Isn’t it up to the teacher to decide what kind of relationship they want to have with their students?”
- Respektsperson = someone to be treated respectfully or with respect; someone that is respected
- facet = pron.
- Beobachtung = observation
- register = pron.
April 2009
- Bilingualer Unterricht = bilingual teaching (this is the correct translation for the term from the core curriculum for Niedersachsen)
- Europäischer Referenzrahmen = Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
- Bilder verstehen = visual literacy
- zusammenhängendes Sprechen = topic-based talk
- Kultusministerkonferenz = Ministers‘ of Culture Conference
- Mistake: “…she wants very much from her students to do.”
- Context: talking about the expectations in lesson planning
- Problem: incorrect expression
- Solution: “…she wants/expects her students to do a lot.”
- Mistake: “It’s more important that you can speak fluent.”
- Context: talking about communicative competence
- Problem: expression; adverb at end
- Solution: “It’s more important to be able to speak fluently.”
- Mistake: “If you keep a discussion up…”
- Context: talking about communicative competence
- Problem: expression
- Solution: “If you keep a discussion going…”
- communicative = see: pronunciation
- Floskel = set phrase
- wahrnehmen = to perceive, to notice, to observe (+ many other meanings, depending on context)
- Voraussetzung = prerequisite, requirement, qualification, precondition
- Unterrichtseinheit = teaching unit
- Mistake: “I would appreciate if we could do an own lesson plan.”
- Context: discussing lesson planning
- Problem: “an” used instead of “our”
- Solution: “I would appreciate if we could do (or plan) our own lesson plan.”
- Mistake: “You don’t have to deal with English all of the day.”
- Context: talking about authentic English in the classroom
- Problem: expression
- Solution: “You don’t have to deal with English all day (long).”
May 2009
- Schulpraktikum = student teaching, teacher training, teaching internship
- Mistake: “If you really want to learn the structure of the grammar…”
- Context: talking about grammar myths
- Problem: expression
- Solution: “If you really want to learn the grammar structure…”
- Mistake: “You have those sample sentence that…”
- Context: talking about effective grammar teaching
- Problem: plural needed
- Solution: “You have those sample sentences that…”
- Mistake: “She made a nice presentation.”
- Context: talking about the topic from the previous week
- Problem: incorrect verb usage
- Solution: “She gave a nice presentation.”
- Mistake: “…just be task-orientated.”
- Context: talking about modern grammar theories
- Problem: incorrect word usage
- Solution: “…just be task-oriented.”
- Mistake: “Then there would be a homework.”
- Context: talking about task-based lesson plans
- Problem: incorrect article usage
- Solution: “Then there would be homework.”
- irregular verbs = pron. (“verbs” not “werbs”)
- mistakes = intonation
- vocabularies = no pl. (should be “vocabulary”)
- Mistake: “The best way how to learn those idioms…”
- Context: talking about collocations and idioms
- Problem: “how” is not used here as it is in German; “Der beste Weg, wie man….”
- Solution: “The best way to learn those idioms…”
June 2009
- Vokabeln (pl.) = vocabulary (no pl. ending!)
- Punkt (im Zusammenhang mit verschiedenfarbigen Punkten, die Schwierigkeiten beim Vokabellernen markieren sollen) = richtig hier: dot (not spot)
- autonomous (learning) = see pronunciation
- Sozialform = social form
- Grobziele = aims, general objectives
- Feinziele = specific objectives
- didaktische Reserve = alternative plan
- Lebenssituation (der Schüler) = life situation, life event (of the students/pupils)
- Mistake: “I had a look on the shorter version…”
- Context: comparing lesson plans
- Problem: preposition
- Solution: ”I had a look at the shorter version…”
- interkultureller Handlungskompetenz = intercultural competence (for action)
- Sachanalyse = analysis of subject matter
- techniques = see pronunciation
- Mistake: “to write a test”
- Context: discussing possible poster topics
- Problem: incorrect verb usage
- Solution: “to take a test”
- hypothesis = see pronunciation
- (intercultural) competences = see pronunciation
- interesting = see pronunciation
- curricula = see pronunciation
- decade = see pronunciation
- Noten = grades (Amer. Eng.), marks (Br. Eng.)
October 2009
- Mistake: “When will be the poster session?”
- Context: discussing upcoming semester projects: posters
- Problem: syntax
- Solution: “When will the poster session be?”
- Schauwand = display wall
- Mistake: “Keeping it simple is a good advice.”
- Context: discussing posters
- Problem: article usage
- Solution: “Keeping it simple is good advice.”
- Bildungssystem = educational system
- communicative = pronunciation
- Mistake: “uncorrect language”
- Context: talking about communicative competence
- Problem: word usage
- Solution: “incorrect langage”
- Mistake: “But I think in the context with a foreign language…”
- Context: talking about communicative competence
- Problem: preposition
- Solution: “But I think in the context of a foreign language…”
- Mistake: “Students feel pressurized…”
- Context: talking about communicative competence
- Problem: word usage
- Solution: “Students feel pressured…”
- Gruppenpuzzle = jigsaw method, see as example
November 2009
- discourse (competence) – pronunciation (im Vergleich zum deutschen Begriff “Diskurs”)
- Mistake: “…and I thought there were all the points mentioned that were important”
- Context: giving feedback to facilitator group
- Problem: phrasing
- Solution: “…and I thought that all the points mentioned were important” OR “…and I thought they mentioned all the important points”
- Unterrichtsgestaltung = classroom design/structure
- Kommunikatives Handeln = communicative action
- Prinzip der funktionalen Einsprachigkeit = functional code-switching
- Prinzip der Authentizität = authenticity
- Prinzip der funktionalen Fehlertoleranz = tolerance toward errors
- Sprachbewusstheit = language awareness
- Sprachbewusstsein = consciousness raising
-„Language awareness is about raising awareness of grammar already possessed, and consciousness raising is about raising awareness of grammar yet to be acquired.” (Sharwood Smith 1997: 31)