Talk:2011 AM Literary Representations of Torture

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General Discussion


Additional representations of torture in: Literature / Drama / Film / Music

Please leave your name and a short explanatory note for each work you found:

  • Mark Ravenhill. Shoot/ Get Treasure/ Repeat Methuen, 2008.

Drama performed in 2010 by the Berliner Ensemble with the altered titel "Freedom and Democracy I hate you" (Sip)

Expert Groups

Please put your name in one of the groups:


What status does torture have in Ocenania's society? Is it allowed, condemned, etc.? Briefly comment on your opinion and give a page number as proof.

Torture Methods

Name two torture methods (give page numbers) and explain why you consider them torture.


Can or how does the reader know if Winston speaks the truth under torture? (Give a page number to support your argument)