Talk:2011 AM Literary Representations of Torture
General Discussion
Additional representations of torture in: Literature / Drama / Film / Music
Please leave your name and a short explanatory note for each work you found:
- Mark Ravenhill. Shoot/ Get Treasure/ Repeat Methuen, 2008.
Drama performed in 2010 by the Berliner Ensemble with the altered titel "Freedom and Democracy I hate you" (Sip)
- Mel Brooks. "The Inquisition". The History of the World. Part I. 1981.
Expert Groups
Please put your name in one of the groups:
Authority/Society/Context (Niewint/Senkbeil)
What status does torture have in Ocenania's society? Is it allowed, condemned, etc.? Briefly comment on your opinion and give a page number as proof.
Torture Methods (Dragomir, Zielonki, Bagus)
Name two torture methods (give page numbers) and explain why you consider them torture.
Truth/Confession (Sieling, Barkemeyer)
Can or how does the reader know if Winston speaks the truth under torture? (Give a page number to support your argument)