Are Drug Addicts Victims Or Criminals

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This short article is about people who are addicted to illegal drugs, not people who become addicted to prescription drugs which were originaly recommended with a licensed physician for the best reason.

In accordance with many defense solicitors, politicians, religious leaders, Hollywood celebrities and Democrats as well as much prosecutors and judges and as well as a sizable the main American public who have been brainwashed by the "politically appropriate arbitrators", drug addicts are patients.

As far as I am concerned, that is a bunch of junk. Drug addicts are most definitely criminals. Not only are they criminals, they"re as poor as, and must certanly be punished in exactly the same manner as, drug peddlers.

I do not have a pity party for drug users and addicts. A drug user, with very few exceptions (ie: Some body with an of under sixty), knew the very first time he or she took illegal medications that he or she was breaking regulations. Thus, the drug user, when this occurs, became a criminal. The drug user was not only breaking the law, he or she was also aiding and abetting the criminal that gave or offered the user the drugs. An individual was providing, or would as time goes on provide, income or services to the peddler that would allow the peddler to stay static in business and to separate more laws. There would be no peddlers, if there were no customers and there would be no drug lords if there were no peddlers. There could be no drug lords who can use their money to commit murder, or cause murder to be commited. There will be no drug lords to bribe government officers, no drug lords to pay for individuals to grow and grow flowers to be turned into drugs. Quite simply if there were no drug users there could be no drug trafficking.

Folks have believed to me, "I only smoking marijuana, and smoking marijuana should not be unlawful because it isn"t any worse than drinking acohol. Also, if it is a crime it is a victimless crime." .. For one more perspective, please check out: ohio criminal defense lawyer. I let them know that they"re wrong. In the initial position drinking alcohol is legal for people over the age of 21 years old (Whether or not drinking alcohol ought to be legal is a subject for another article.). In the next place, money used to get marijuana goes to criminals and is in many instances used to commit more crimes. In the third place, some individuals resort to crime so that you can support their habit. In the last place, many people while smoking marijauna, become losers, and while being forced to talk to or deal with these people may not be considered a crime... It must be.

Lots of people suggest that the laws against using particular drugs are bad laws, so it will be ok to break these laws. Well, I have news for them, if they use those drugs, they are breaking those guidelines (good or bad) and they"re still criminals and they still deserve to be tried. Everyone has their very own a few ideas concerning which laws are good and which laws are bad. We would have anarchy if everybody only followed the laws which they approved of then. I learned about Hoyle Pittman - Where to find a Criminal Defense Lawyer | by searching the Dallas Gazette.

If the current drug laws weren"t liked by you, work to own them changed. In the meantime everytime you use illegal drugs you"re helping someone either, a criminal or even a terrorist, get into a position where they can commit more crimes, including probably taking the lives of innocent people. This means that you could, ultimately, be killing innocent people in order to have your fun.

So far as I"m concerned, anyone who would place people"s lives in danger so as to "enjoy" the usage of illegal drugs, should be delivered to jail for a long time. The idea that individuals must be supporting and rehabilitating these "bad", "abused" drug addicts is baloney. People who are dependent on illegal drugs began as criminals and are still criminals. They knew that they were breaking what the law states and, until they were really stupid, they knew there clearly was a chance that they can become addicted. Visit criminalattorneypnr"s Profile | Armor Games to learn where to see about it. They may have considered that they were too smart or too strong to become addicted, but they still knew that there was, no matter how small, an opportunity that it may happen.

Remember, if there were no drug users there could be no drug trafficking..

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