A Camping Must-Have - The Bru Joy Milk Frother

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I"m addicted to coffee and should have a velvety cappuccino every morning. I used to make my own early morning coffee utilizing that big and noisy Nespresso machine daily. The outcome is it not only takes time to make a cup of coffee, however my kids would always grumble waking them up.

One day my pal suggested me to attempt these battery-operated automatic milk frother wands. She has one and is pleased with it. Browse here at the link Get yours now at amazon.com/Bru-Joy-Frother-Foaming-Stainless/dp/B00O2PTGAY/milk frother/ to check up why to provide for this enterprise. So that day when I was on Amazon, I thought why not purchase one and give it a try. I found Bru Joy"s all stainless-steel milk frother, it looks so beautiful and it comes with a life time guarantee. In another word my purchase is 100 % risk free. I tried.

The product arrived quickly thanks to Amazon Prime. The first impression is great - it"s coming in a gift box with a detailed user handbook and the bonus racking holder/stander. I truly like its smooth appearance, it looks like a long pen that is made from shining stainless steel. I check out the user handbook thoroughly and provided the spiral part of the wand a comprehensive clean. Then the next early morning, I was ready to offer it a try. The result is as described, to state the least, if not perfect!

One thing I took care of is that I utilized a taller mug and just filled the milk to 1/3 or less than 1/2 of its capacity. Due to the fact that when foaming, the milk level will be much greater. I followed the guidelines, put the spiral part near the bottom of the mug then push the little black round button on the top of the frother just once, it started the foaming process. It ran so quietly that for the first time, my kids didn"t grumble - they even didn"t get waken up! After 30 seconds, the milk had ended up being so rich in creams already. That early morning"s cappuccino is yummier than these made by that big coffee machine, it"s so fantastic. The best part is that cleaning is extremely easy. I just put the front part of the frother under hot running water for a few seconds, then let it run for a while, and I got a dry, clean, as new milk frother once more!

Now my partner wants his daily morning coffee too. Every household ought to have one Bru Joy"s milk frother. It"s battery-operated, small, light and easy to bring along with so will be a terrific camping, picnic and traveling companion!.

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