Organic Moroccan Argan Oil 100 Natural Pure Undiluted Cold Pressed USDA Certified Oil

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What a terrific sensation it is when you discover something of top quality, and one that is completely natural & works efficiently for many things!

I initially got thinking about Argan OiI when I heard Dr. Oz speak recently about the oil extracted from an uncommon little tree that is just found in Morocco. This influential Find out more at oil/ URL has numerous refreshing lessons for the inner workings of it. All in one, tried & tested for centuries by local women. They utilized it to protect their hair, skin & nails in a dry desert & to heal skin problems. High in anti-oxidants, vitamins E, A & D it hydrates your skin. In truth it"s a marvel for all skin types including oily & it"s great for either men or women. Most significantly, it"s a favorable step away from chemical-laden cosmetics.

If you are anything like me, I am sure you have a shelf filled with products all promising something or the other. Well I shocked myself when I took a look at the components and discovered all sorts of nasty looking chemicals. Phthalates, parabens, petrolatum, triclosan ... yes, to name just a couple. So I googled it! Would you believe that these typical ingredients are carcinogenic or a petrochemical or registered by the EPA as a pesticide? And they are linked to all sorts of nasty negative side effects & conditions? Now do I actually wish to be using these day-to-day on my hair & skin? Well that was when I decided that I simply had to go 100 % pure and natural. So I did away with everything.

And so I began my search, I"m a Dr Oz fan, so I knew it was Argan oil that I wanted. However which to go for? Just about everywhere you look there"s a beauty product professing to contain Argan oil properties. You wouldn"t believe how many expensive brand names are out there and with a big price tag to match their packaging. The secret is to take a look at the active ingredients list. It must simply say 100 % Argan Oil or 100 % Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil. If it has anything else listed, well you simply don"t buy it.

Stars understand that Argan oil works like heaven on your skin & hair. It was Madonna who stated: "I can not live without Moroccan Argan Oil." Discover the pure stuff & you have got an all in one natural oil, that will save you cash and time.Say bye-bye to expensive treatments, detanglers, thermal defense, anti-frizz products, facial serums etc. Hey, you even save shelf space! But I"m getting way ahead of myself now.

Ok so, I"m a big fan of Amazon. I like the quick shipping plus they have a reassuring refund ensure that ensures you are constantly satisfied with your purchase. Not only was I able to find 100 % pure USDA Organic Argan Oil for a great cost, but what really impressed me was the fantastic follow-up they had guaranteeing that I received my product & much more importantly, for me anyhow, they offered me a bunch of fantastic suggestions on many more ways to use my oil.

I mean you can use Argan Oil for virtually everything. I started using it as an all-round skin moisturizer. Its healing properties make it the ideal anti-aging option for all kinds of skin, even ones with scars or stretch marks. Then I started using it as my hair conditioner, due to the fact that it naturally prevents split ends & in fact maximizes the shine. Just apply a couple of drops, leave in all night & shampoo the next day. My daughter had fantastic success treating her dry itchy scalp & now, I include a couple of drops of my favorite Lavender essential oil to use it as a massage oil.

To top that off, WellnesScent also offered me a free Argan Oil Kindle book with loads of fascinating information which I thought that was exceptionally helpful!

So I"m impressed with this little natural beauty, if you"re in the market for 100 % pure & USDA natural Argan oil, then I encourage you to click the link below..

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