Chef s Quality Culinary Blowtorch for Crème Brule Melting Cheese Browning or Crisping Meat.

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If you are an self confessed home cook like me, you most likely would have never given a second thought about acquiring a culinary blowtorch. I bought one after seeing one of those cooking shows on TV it changed my life!

I must admit that I am not a chef by any stretch of the imagination, but one thing I have is a keen interest to try new things. After seeing how easy it was to create that perfect brown, crispy skin on a chicken or pork roast or how simple you can create a Creme Brule crunch, I just had to get one.

Using my birthday as a good reason to buy something I really wanted for myself, I went to AMAZON and found this stylishly crafted kitchen blow torch for what I thought was a really good price and bought it. Also bought Zippo Lighter Fluid to fill it up with on AMAZON. And that is when the adventure began!

First thing I did was digging out my recipe books and ramekins and made my first Creme Brule. I couldn"t wait for it to set in the fridge in order for me to use my new kitchen blowtorch.

And then came the big moment - a sprinkled a teaspoons of brown sugar on top (didn"t have Demerara sugar but the brown sugar worked a treat), lit my blowtorch and like a real professional melted the sugar in a circular motion. Then I left it to set and within a minute it set to a perfect layer of solid sugar crust. I could"t wait for the hubby to come home - I just had to have one right there and boy was it delicious!

It was just the start of lots of experimentation of heating and melting and browning. Be taught further on the affiliated wiki - Click here: Read more about this Chefs Blowtorch product. I still have lots to learn but having lots of fun doing just that! My Kitchen Blow Torch now has a honorary spot in my kitchen. I really don"t know how I ever cooked without it!

It really is the secret to great looking food..

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