Bergamot Essential Oil: Beat the Blues With Just a Few Drops a Day

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I have no idea how I would have gotten through the winter of 2005 without bergamot essential oil.

I was living in Chicago, and it was brutally frosty, the sort of cold that gives people frostbite just waiting for the commuter train. For alternative interpretations, we know people have a look at: Check this bergamot essential oil product out at Amazon now.

One day, I discussed how I felt to a co-worker, and she said, "Bergamot essential oil -- get some, today. Don"t go home without it."

I was eager to try anything, so I got a bottle, and as she had suggested, I ran a hot bath with a few drops of bergamot essential oil before entering. I"m not exaggerating when I tell you the heavenly-smelling steam transformed me. A few deep-breaths into my soak, and I felt like a new person -- joyful, undeterred by weather, or anything else jeopardizing my contentment!

On a daily basis after that, I would come home and use the bergamot essential oil in the tub, and day after day I was smiling more often, and less stressed.

I"m sure this isn"t an extensive list, but I"ve also discovered a three more ways to gain from its sweet, citrusy scent:.

1. To lessen feelings of tension and sadness.

Bergamot essential oil is nature"s anti-depressant. If you apply it to the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and place them over your nose and mouth momentarily several times a day, you will feel an incredible sense of calm come over you.

2. To fight indigestion and PMS.

Massage one or two drops on your abdomen-- for indigestion, this works best right before or after a meal.

3. To help cold sores.

Thinned down in a few drops of coconut oil, bergamot essential oil makes a great cold sore remedy. Just apply it directly to the cold sore area as you feel it beginning, and keep applying several times daily until it leaves.

I"m indebted to that co-worker from years ago, but I hope in highly recommending bergamot essential oil to you, I"m paying it forward. I recommend this brand of bergamot essential oil, which you can get on It"s 100 % guaranteed, so if you"re not happy with it, return it..

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