How Good Is Your Blog Heres A Free Way To Test It

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To make matters a bit worse, what turns people away is often a little thing. It could be a bad color scheme or t...

Ever wondered what people think if they visit your blog? If youre like most people, you receive a couple of remarks but not enough to learn whether most people like your blog or not. Maybe they read it, enjoy it, and there is a constant know about it. Or maybe they see anything they dont like and are off checking before-you have time to yell hi, theres good material here!

To make matters just a little worse, what turns people away can be a little thing. It could be a poor color scheme or the lack of an obvious concept therefore people know what theyre reading about. It might be a lot of text and insufficient pictures. What-ever it"s, you are able to drop visitors quickly.

How can you solve this issue? Simple just check your site. And theres an easy way and a totally free way to complete it. Just visit the site (http://www.blogexplosion), join a free account, and add your website. Then visit a element of the site called Battle of the Blogs. Their a free game where your site plays against someone elses. Just pick a competition and click Accept Challenge. Now, the fun part starts.

Members may visit your blog and the blog of the challenger. Then theyll vote on the favorite blog. The battle generally only takes fifteen minutes or therefore to become finished. When its over, you have a definite concept of how many people like your website. If 15 out of 15 vote for yours, dont change something. To compare additional information, please consider having a peep at: Scott Rivera - If 1-0 from 15 vote for yours, make some changes. If 0 from 15 vote for yours, make some major changes.

Then return and enter a number of challenges after youve made changes. Thats an effective way to constantly improve. And theres nothing better than increasing your blog and having the ability to start to see the results in less than fifteen minutes. Thats got to-be much better than waiting days to determine a big difference in your visitor statistics.

And while youre waiting the 15 minutes to see the results, evaluate the websites fighting and vote for your favorite. For supplementary information, please check-out: As you do, think about what makes you such as for instance a blog instantly or dislike a blog instantly. What catches your attention? What is it which makes another one boring and one weblog likeable? Take notice and youll determine a lot more ways to improve your own weblog.. We discovered by searching the Internet.

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