2007-08 BM1: Session 1

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Take a look at texts we design to speak about

With the individual lectures we provided a reading list. See the "reading" column on the schedule).

Some of the titles listed are remarkable historical materials - they shed light on lost concepts of time and debates. Others are supposed to lead you into the historical reading list we recommend as a background to all who study English.

Use the links we provided within the schedule to take a look at materials before our lectures. Download these materials as pdf-files, leaf through them. You should take short notes of your first impressions. At least two of the titles should become more important in your portfolios.

Produce at least two excerpts

You are expected to read (or examine) two titles of our schedule's reading list more closely and to eventually hand in Excerpts with your reading experiences. We will not mark these excerpts, yet we will tell you whether we think that such excerpts will be of help in your further studies. Read the Excerpt-Handout for practical advice.