2025 AM Physics and Fiction
under construction
- Modul: ang622 ('Akzentsetzung'), phy355 (physikalische Wahlstudien), pb113, pb114
- Lecturer: Petra Groß and Anna Auguscik
- Course: 3.02.221
- Time and Venue: regular online Stud.IP/BBB meetings, Wednesday 16-18h (with an option of two longer sessions in presence)
- Course Description:
Physics has often been understood as the opposite of fiction: formulae vs narrative; reality vs constructedness; in short, fact vs fiction. This has not discouraged writers to take up this very challenge, as a long tradition of science fiction attests. However, the interest in representing physics, physicists and their work on the part of what is considered 'literary fiction' seems to be more recent.
In this summer term, we offer an interdisciplinary seminar focusing on representations of physics specifically in contemporary fiction. In a rare setting with students from both the English and the Physics departments, we will read at least one full science novel and several other science-related shorter texts (poems, short stories, etc.). We want to approach questions such as: How much science is contained in these texts and how is it incorporated? How relevant is it for the text? Is the representation correct or plausible? What is the underlying scientific context, and how does it relate to society or politics-related discussions? How do these writings contribute to the 'two cultures' debate, or even the so-called 'science wars'? And how can physicists and literary scholars, or future teachers of either discipline, profit from such a reading? This time, our focus will be on the topic of space and specifically the ISS programme.
Please, buy and read the following novel and short story anthology:
- Harvey, Samantha. Orbital. London: Vermilion, 2024. [ISBN: 978-1-5299-2293-6; also available via Bueltmann & Gerriets]
- Page, Ra, ed. Litmus: Short Stories from Modern Science Manchester: Comma Press, 2011. [ISBN: 978-1-905583-33-1 ; also available via Bueltmann & Gerriets]
In addition, we will read several ISS poems.
PLEASE NOTE: Use the time until the beginning of term to immerse yourself in the reading of these primary sources. All of the above can be obtained at our local book shop, Bültmann & Gerriets. Additional materials for preparation, as well as the detailed syllabus, will be made available here and/or on Stud.IP.
- 1 Online Session: 16 April
- 2 Online Session: 23 April
- 3 Online Session: 30 April
- 4 Online Session: 7 May
- 5 Reading Week: 15 May
- 6 Online Session: 21 May
- 7 Online or In-presence Session: 28 May
- 8 Online Session: 4 June
- 9 Online Session: 11 June
- 10 Online Session: 18 June
- 11 Online or In-presence Session: 25 June
- 12 Online Session: 02 July
- 13 Online Session: 9 July
- 14 Tools
- 15 Primary Reading
- 16 Further Reading
- 17 Links
Online Session: 16 April
- Introduction to physics & fiction and look ahead at the focus topic on astrophysics, space exploration and the International Space Station
Online Session: 23 April
- Reading and discussion: Short Story 1
- Context: Anton Kirchhofer and Natalie Roxburgh, "The Scientist as 'Problematic Individual' in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction" (2016)
Online Session: 30 April
- Reading and discussion: Short Story 2
- Context: Kanta Dihal, "New Science, New Stories" (2017); and Dirk Vanderbeke, "Physics" (2021)
Online Session: 7 May
- Reading and discussion: Short Story 3
- Contexts: Aura Heydenreich and Klaus Mecke, "Physics and Literature" (2022); and Giovanni Vignale, "Physics and Fiction" (2022)
Reading Week: 15 May
- read and prepare Orbital
Online Session: 21 May
- Reading and discussion: Orbital as narrative fiction
Online or In-presence Session: 28 May
- Input presentations
Online Session: 4 June
- Reading and discussion: tba
Online Session: 11 June
- Reading and discussion: tba
Online Session: 18 June
- Reading and discussion: tba
Online or In-presence Session: 25 June
- Input presentations
Online Session: 02 July
- Reading and discussion: tba
- Course Evaluation
Online Session: 9 July
- discussion of lit/cult research papers
- Feeback on course evaluation
[Hand in research papers until 15 September 2023]
- Handout Narratology
- Handout Literature & Representation
- Handout Key Concepts in Cultural Studies: Culture and Representation
- Handout Key Concepts in Cultural Studies: Discourse
- Handout Key Concepts in Cultural Studies: Identity
- Handout Key Concepts in Cultural Studies: Media
- Handout Traditions in our discourse about literature
- Handout (Non-)literary texts
- Handout Excerpt
- Handout Style Sheet for Literary and Cultural Studies
Primary Reading
- see above
Further Reading
See also Stud.IP/files
- Cain, Sarah. "The Metaphorical Field: Post-Newtonian Physics and Modernist Literature." The Cambridge Quarterly ; 1999; 28(1) 46-64.
- Dihal, Kanta. "New Science, New Stories: Quantum Physics as a Narrative Trope in Contemporary Fiction." pp. 55-74 IN: Engelhardt, Nina; Hoydis, Julia Representations of Science in Twenty-First-Century Fiction: Human and Temporal Connectivities. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (London); 2019.*Engelhardt, Nina; Hoydis, Julia Representations of Science in Twenty-First-Century Fiction: Human and Temporal Connectivities. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (London); 2019.
- Kirchhofer, Anton, and Natalie Roxburgh. "The Scientist as 'Problematic Individual' in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture 64.2 (June 2016): 149-168.
- Leane, Elizabeth. "Knowing Quanta: The Ambiguous Metaphors of Popular Physics." The Review of English Studies ; 2001 Aug; 52(207) 411-31.
- Oppermann, Serpil. "Quantum Physics and Literature: How They Meet the Universe Halfway." Anglia: Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie ; 2015; 133(1) 87-104.
- Vanderbeke, Dirk. "Physics." pp. 192-202 IN: Clarke, Bruce(ed.); Rossini, Manuela(ed.) The Routledge Companion to Literature and Science. London, England: Routledge; 2011. xviii, 550
- Snow, C.P. Two Cultures
- Schaffeld, ZAA
- Haynes
- Narrative Turn in Science
- Aura Heydenreich and Klaus Mecke, "Physics and Literature" (2022)
- Westfahl, Gary. Islands in the Sky
- Vignale, Giovanni. IN: Heydenreich , Aura; Mecke, Klaus; Physics and Literature: Concepts – Transfer – Aestheticization. Berlin, Germany ; De Gruyter; 2021.pp. 139-146.
Science reading
- https://www.nasa.gov/international-space-station/
- https://www.loc.gov/programs/poetry-and-literature/poet-laureate/poet-laureate-projects/a-poem-for-europa/
- https://time.com/collection-post/6694507/ada-limon/
- http://srpr.org/past_issues/toc_47.2.php
- https://www.universetoday.com/94567/poetry-from-the-space-station/