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Introduction. Technicalities.
[meeting postponed, Akkreditierung]
Nineteenth-Century Concepts of Criticism: Oscar Wilde, “The Critic as Artist” (1889)
Nineteenth-Century Concepts of Criticism: Matthew Arnold,
“The Function of Criticism at the Present Time” (1864)
[meeting postponed, Conference]
Public Poetry:
Alfred Tennyson, “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” (1854)
W. B. Yeats, “Easter 1916.” (1919)
Public Poetry: W. H. Auden, “Spain 1936” / “September 1, 1939.”
Poets as Critics: Political Journalism by T.S.Eliot and Ezra Pound;
[alternatively/ additionally]: Eliot and the Poetics of Modernism: T. S. Eliot, “Tradition and the Individual Talent” vs. Wordsworth, “Preface to the Lyrical Ballads”
Writers as Critics: Virginia Woolf, “Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown” (1922);
Virginia Woolf, The Common Reader (1925)
Virginia Woolf’s contributions to the Times Literary Supplement
Exclusionist Writing? V. Woolf. Selected Texts from Monday and Tuesday (1921) <http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/w/woolf/virginia/w91m/>
Implicit and Explicit Politics in James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916)
Implicit and Explicit Poetics in James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916)
Course Evaluation. – Final Discussion.
Feedback on Course Evaluation. – Discussion of Term Paper Projects.

Revision as of 13:30, 30 October 2007

  • Time: Thursdays 2-4 pm


Introduction. Technicalities.


[meeting postponed, Akkreditierung]


Nineteenth-Century Concepts of Criticism: Oscar Wilde, “The Critic as Artist” (1889)


Nineteenth-Century Concepts of Criticism: Matthew Arnold, “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time” (1864)


[meeting postponed, Conference]


Public Poetry: Alfred Tennyson, “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” (1854) W. B. Yeats, “Easter 1916.” (1919)


Public Poetry: W. H. Auden, “Spain 1936” / “September 1, 1939.”


Poets as Critics: Political Journalism by T.S.Eliot and Ezra Pound; [alternatively/ additionally]: Eliot and the Poetics of Modernism: T. S. Eliot, “Tradition and the Individual Talent” vs. Wordsworth, “Preface to the Lyrical Ballads”


Writers as Critics: Virginia Woolf, “Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown” (1922); Virginia Woolf, The Common Reader (1925) Virginia Woolf’s contributions to the Times Literary Supplement


Exclusionist Writing? V. Woolf. Selected Texts from Monday and Tuesday (1921) <http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/w/woolf/virginia/w91m/>


Implicit and Explicit Politics in James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916)


Implicit and Explicit Poetics in James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916)


Course Evaluation. – Final Discussion.


Feedback on Course Evaluation. – Discussion of Term Paper Projects.
