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The following terms were collected during "Aufbaumodule" and may be helpful to you in the framework of English didactics. Please feel free to add any terms or definitions you may find and/or links to helpful websites. Please always state your sources!
The following terms were collected during "Aufbaumodule" and may be helpful to you in the framework of English didactics. Please feel free to add any terms or definitions you may find and/or links to helpful websites. Please always state your sources!
== Abitur = Abitur, secondary school qualification ==
== Arbeitslehre = pre-vocational studies ==
== außerschulisch = extracurricular ==
== außerschulisch = extracurricular ==
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*(see: [http://www.as.ysu.edu/~english/faculty/brown/personal/BrownMenasche.doc Defining Authenticity])
*(see: [http://www.as.ysu.edu/~english/faculty/brown/personal/BrownMenasche.doc Defining Authenticity])
== Bastelanleitung = handicraft instructions ==
== basteln = to do handicrafts, to tinker ==
== Berufsschule = Berufsschule, vocational school at upper secondary level ==
== Bilder verstehen = visual literacy ==
== Bildung = education, formal education ==
== Bildung = education, formal education ==
== Bildungsgang = course of education ==
== Bildungssystem = educational system ==
== Bilingualer Unterricht = bilingual teaching ==
== Curriculum = curriculum ==
== didaktische Reserve = alternative plan ==
== Didaktisierung = didactization ==
== Didaktisierung = didactization ==
== Doktorant = doctoral candidate ==
== einschätzen = estimate, evaluate ==
== einschätzen = estimate, evaluate ==
== Einsprachig = monolingual ==
== Einsprachig = monolingual ==
== Erzähltext = narrative text; fictional text ==
== Erzieher = youth or child care worker ==
== Erziehung = upbringing, education, training ==
== Erziehung = upbringing, education, training ==
== Eselsbrücke = mnemonic aid ==
== Eselsbrücke = mnemonic aid ==
== Europäischer Referenzrahmen = Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) ==
*See [http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/CADRE_EN.asp www.coe.int] for online information.
== Fachhochschule = university of applied sciences ==
== Feinziele = specific objectives ==
== Floskel = set phrase ==
== (Prinzip der) funktionalen Einsprachigkeit = functional code-switching ==
== (Prinzip der) funktionalen Einsprachigkeit = functional code-switching ==
== (Prinzip der) funktionalen Fehlertoleranz = tolerance toward errors ==
== (Prinzip der) funktionalen Fehlertoleranz = tolerance toward errors ==
== Ganztagschule = all-day schools ==
== Grobziele = aims (long-term goals), general objectives ==
== Grundkurs = basic course ==
== Gruppenpuzzle = jigsaw method ==
*See as [http://www.e-teaching.org/didaktik/konzeption/methoden/gruppenlernen/puzzle/ example]
== handlungsorientiert = task-based ==
== handlungsorientiert = task-based ==
== Handlungsorientierung = task-based learning ==
== Handlungsorientierung = task-based learning ==
== inhaltliches Curriculum = content-based syllabus ==
== interkultureller Handlungskompetenz = intercultural competence (for action) ==
== Klappentext = blurb ==
== Kommunikatives Handeln = communicative action ==
== Kommunikatives Handeln = communicative action ==
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== Kooperatives Lernen = cooperative learning ==
== Kooperatives Lernen = cooperative learning ==
*(see: [http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/~achafe/cooplang.html Cooperative Learning and the Second Language Classroom by Allison Chafe])
*See: [http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/~achafe/cooplang.html Cooperative Learning and the Second Language Classroom by Allison Chafe]
== Kreuzworträtsel = crossword puzzle ==
== Kreuzworträtsel = crossword puzzle ==
== kulturelle Sachinformation = factual cultural information ==
== Kultusministerium = The Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs ==
== Kultusministerkonferenz = The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs ==
*See the online website [http://www.kmk.org/ in German] or [http://www.kmk.org/information-in-english.html in English].
== Lautschrift = phonetic transcription ==
== Lautschrift = phonetic transcription ==
== Lebenssituation (der Schüler) = life situation, life event (of the students/pupils) ==
== Lebenswelt = lifestyle ==
== Leistungsbereitschaft = willingness to perform; motivation ==
== Leistungsbereitschaft = willingness to perform; motivation ==
== Leistungserwartungen = performance expectations ==
== Leistungserwartungen = performance expectations ==
== Leistungskurs = intensified course ==
== Leitmedien = leading media, most used media, most important media ==
== Leitmedien = leading media, most used media, most important media ==
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*Weskamp, Ralf. "Fachdidaktik: Grundlagen & Konzepte" Berlin: Cornelsen, 2001
*Weskamp, Ralf. "Fachdidaktik: Grundlagen & Konzepte" Berlin: Cornelsen, 2001
*Deller, Sheelagh. "Lessons from the Learner" Canterbury: Longman 1990
*Deller, Sheelagh. "Lessons from the Learner" Canterbury: Longman 1990
== Lernziel = (learning) objective ==
== Nachhilfe = private lessons ==
== Nachhilfe = private lessons ==
== Noten = grades (Amer. Eng.), marks (Br. Eng.) ==
== Orientierungsstufe = orientation stage ==
== Prüfungsordnung = examination regulations ==
== Rahmenbedingungen = framework ==
== Realia = realia ==
== Realia = realia ==
== Redemittel = modes of expression ==
== Reifungsprozesse = maturation processes ==
== Reifungsprozesse = maturation processes ==
== Rezension = review ==
== Sachanalyse = analysis of subject matter ==
== Sachinformation = factual information ==
== Sachtext = factual text; non-fictional text ==
== Schauwand = display wall ==
== Schulkonferenz = school council ==
== Schulordnung = school regulations ==
== Schulpraktikum = student teaching, teacher training, teaching internship ==
== Schulträger = school maintaining body ==
== sensibilisieren = to sensitize ==
== sensibilisieren = to sensitize ==
== Sitten und Gebräuche = manners and customs ==
== Sonderpädagogischer Förderbedarf = special education needs ==
== Sonderschule = special school ==
== Sonderschullehrer = special education teacher ==
== Sozialform = social form ==
== Sprachbewusstheit = language awareness ==
== Sprachbewusstheit = language awareness ==
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„Language awareness is about raising awareness of grammar already possessed, and consciousness raising is about raising awareness of grammar yet to be acquired.” (Sharwood Smith 1997: 31)
„Language awareness is about raising awareness of grammar already possessed, and consciousness raising is about raising awareness of grammar yet to be acquired.” (Sharwood Smith 1997: 31)
== Sprachkenntnisse = knowledge of a language, (foreign) language proficiency ==
== Staatsprüfung = state examination ==
== Standards = standards ==
== Standbild = frozen picture, freeze frame ==
== Studienordnung = study regulations ==
== Suchworträtsel = word search ==
== Suchworträtsel = word search ==
== umgehen mit = to handle, deal with ==
== Tafelbild = blackboard drawing/chart ==
== Texterschließungsverfahren = text comprehension techniques ==
== Unterrichtseinheit = teaching unit ==
== Unterrichtsgestaltung = classroom design/structure ==
== Unterrichtsgestaltung = classroom design/structure ==
== Verfilmung = film adaptation, film version ==
== Vokabeln (pl.) = vocabulary (no pl. ending!) ==
== Volkshochschule = adult education establishment ==
== Voraussetzung = prerequisite, requirement, qualification, precondition ==
== Wissensbestände = knowledge banks ==
== Wissensknoten = bundles of knowledge ==
== zusammenhängendes Sprechen = topic-based talk ==

Revision as of 15:08, 17 November 2009

English Didactics

Educational Terminology

Online Resources for ELT

Online Journals for Foreign Language Teaching

Literary Research for Didactics

Secondary Literature for ELT

The following terms were collected during "Aufbaumodule" and may be helpful to you in the framework of English didactics. Please feel free to add any terms or definitions you may find and/or links to helpful websites. Please always state your sources!


Abitur = Abitur, secondary school qualification

Arbeitslehre = pre-vocational studies

außerschulisch = extracurricular

  • Used when referring to out-of-school activities such as sports or clubs.

(Prinzip der) Authentizität = authenticity

Bastelanleitung = handicraft instructions

basteln = to do handicrafts, to tinker

Berufsschule = Berufsschule, vocational school at upper secondary level

Bilder verstehen = visual literacy

Bildung = education, formal education

Bildungsgang = course of education

Bildungssystem = educational system

Bilingualer Unterricht = bilingual teaching

Curriculum = curriculum

didaktische Reserve = alternative plan

Didaktisierung = didactization

Doktorant = doctoral candidate

einschätzen = estimate, evaluate

Einsprachig = monolingual

Erzähltext = narrative text; fictional text

Erzieher = youth or child care worker

Erziehung = upbringing, education, training

Eselsbrücke = mnemonic aid

Europäischer Referenzrahmen = Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

Fachhochschule = university of applied sciences

Feinziele = specific objectives

Floskel = set phrase

(Prinzip der) funktionalen Einsprachigkeit = functional code-switching

(Prinzip der) funktionalen Fehlertoleranz = tolerance toward errors

Ganztagschule = all-day schools

Grobziele = aims (long-term goals), general objectives

Grundkurs = basic course

Gruppenpuzzle = jigsaw method

handlungsorientiert = task-based

Handlungsorientierung = task-based learning

inhaltliches Curriculum = content-based syllabus

interkultureller Handlungskompetenz = intercultural competence (for action)

Klappentext = blurb

Kommunikatives Handeln = communicative action

Kontextualisierung = contextualization

Contextualization is the process of assigning meaning, either linguistic or as a means of interpreting the environment within which an expression or action is executed.

In Sociolinguistics contextualization comprises all activities by participants which make relevant, maintain, revise, cancel, etc. any aspect of context which, in turn, is responsible for the interpretation of an utterance in its particular locus of occurrence. Such aspects might be the speech genre, the speech act, mood, topic, roles, social relationships, etc.

In the classroom contextualization means the contextual embedment of a speech act by the use of realia, pictures, headlines, etc. Thematic focal points that the students can relate to (e.g. Carol’s spare time) create the context in which a speech act can be recognized as an attempt to communicate (e.g. talking about free time).


Kooperatives Lernen = cooperative learning

Kreuzworträtsel = crossword puzzle

kulturelle Sachinformation = factual cultural information

Kultusministerium = The Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs

Kultusministerkonferenz = The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs

Lautschrift = phonetic transcription

Lebenssituation (der Schüler) = life situation, life event (of the students/pupils)

Lebenswelt = lifestyle

Leistungsbereitschaft = willingness to perform; motivation

Leistungserwartungen = performance expectations

Leistungskurs = intensified course

Leitmedien = leading media, most used media, most important media

Lernerorientierung = learner-centeredness

Learner-centeredness is an influential concept strongly connected to Communicative Language Teaching. It places the student at the centre of education, in a way that they are involved in decisions on content selection (curriculum), methodology, and evaluation. Additionally, it moves the teacher from the source of knowledge to the status of a facilitator or manager of learning situations.

Learners should be sensitized to their own learning processes so that they can develop their own appropriate strategies. Goals and content of tasks should be made comprehensible, thus enabling the learners to make their own informed choices about what they want to learn and how they want to learn.

This creates a freedom which should ultimately provide the basis for learning throughout life and for including the individual’s context. Greater autonomy and control for the learner seem to be key terms.

The concept of learner-centeredness also stresses that the learning outcome is influenced by the perceptions of the learner. Students often have a different view on tasks than the teacher does. This should be taken into consideration.

It is also important to point out that learner-centeredness is not seen as an "all-or-nothing" concept, but is supposed to be a continuum that moves from "less- to more learner-centered".


  • Creativity: Übungen, die Schüler zu kreativem, schöpferischem Sprachhandeln herausfordern
  • Autonomy: Übungen, die selbständiges Handeln in die Wege leiten
  • Exploration: Übungen, die forschendes Lernen beinhalten
  • Insight: Übungen die helfen, Inhalte zu erschließen und eigene Vorstellungen zu einem Thema zu entwickeln


  • David Hall, Ann Hewings, 2001 – Innovation in English Language Teaching: A Reader
  • David Nunan, 2004 – Task-based Language Teaching: a comprehensively revised edition of designing tasks for the communicative classroom
  • David Nunan, The learner-centered curriculum, 1988, Cambridge Applied Linguistic
  • [http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/tojde4/pulisttxt.html Learner-Centredness:

An Issue of Institutional Policy in the context of Distance Education]

  • Weskamp, Ralf. "Fachdidaktik: Grundlagen & Konzepte" Berlin: Cornelsen, 2001
  • Deller, Sheelagh. "Lessons from the Learner" Canterbury: Longman 1990

Lernziel = (learning) objective

Nachhilfe = private lessons

Noten = grades (Amer. Eng.), marks (Br. Eng.)

Orientierungsstufe = orientation stage

Prüfungsordnung = examination regulations

Rahmenbedingungen = framework

Realia = realia

Redemittel = modes of expression

Reifungsprozesse = maturation processes

Rezension = review

Sachanalyse = analysis of subject matter

Sachinformation = factual information

Sachtext = factual text; non-fictional text

Schauwand = display wall

Schulkonferenz = school council

Schulordnung = school regulations

Schulpraktikum = student teaching, teacher training, teaching internship

Schulträger = school maintaining body

sensibilisieren = to sensitize

Sitten und Gebräuche = manners and customs

Sonderpädagogischer Förderbedarf = special education needs

Sonderschule = special school

Sonderschullehrer = special education teacher

Sozialform = social form

Sprachbewusstheit = language awareness

„Language awareness is about raising awareness of grammar already possessed, and consciousness raising is about raising awareness of grammar yet to be acquired.” (Sharwood Smith 1997: 31)

Sprachbewusstsein = consciousness raising

„Language awareness is about raising awareness of grammar already possessed, and consciousness raising is about raising awareness of grammar yet to be acquired.” (Sharwood Smith 1997: 31)

Sprachkenntnisse = knowledge of a language, (foreign) language proficiency

Staatsprüfung = state examination

Standards = standards

Standbild = frozen picture, freeze frame

Studienordnung = study regulations

Suchworträtsel = word search

Tafelbild = blackboard drawing/chart

Texterschließungsverfahren = text comprehension techniques

Unterrichtseinheit = teaching unit

Unterrichtsgestaltung = classroom design/structure

Verfilmung = film adaptation, film version

Vokabeln (pl.) = vocabulary (no pl. ending!)

Volkshochschule = adult education establishment

Voraussetzung = prerequisite, requirement, qualification, precondition

Wissensbestände = knowledge banks

Wissensknoten = bundles of knowledge

zusammenhängendes Sprechen = topic-based talk