Le Morte Darthur Book 7

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Overall summary: A man comes to court, sustained by two men and asks for 3 gifts. The first is to provide him with food &c. for 12 months when the other gifts will be asks. Kay scornfully gives him the name Beaumains and puts him into the kitchen. One year later a damsel asks for a knight. B. takes up this quest as it “belongs to him”. The damsel tries to get rid of this “kitchen knave” despite his defeating several knights, drawing equal with Lancelot and being made a knight by the latter. Eventually, B. rescues the sister of the damsel. He has some further adventures, defeating knights and in the end marries Lady Lyones, reveals his identity as Gareth of Orkney in the latter parts to select people and to all in the end.

(28) King Arthur arrives with many knights. Beaumains (Gareth) asks his men to not reveal his identity. He is given a magical ring by Lyones which makes him lose no blood [cf. Caliburn’s scabbard] and also changes his colour. This ring also makes Lyones appear more beautiful than she really is – the ring was one from a heathen tyrant by Sir Gringamors. Jousts are commencing.

(29) Jousting continues. (Note: there are apparently TWO Lancelots: ~ du lake and de Galys; Lancelot du lake is the “true” one and will remain unmarked). Gareth unhorses many and cannot be identified due to his ever-changing colour. Arthur wants to send Lancelot against him but L. declines since he suspects his identity (but does not give it away).

(30) Swordfights begin. Launcelot and Beaumains avoid each other. Sir Tristram (B’s side) asks and is told of Beaumains identity. While taking a rest, B. hands the ring to his dwarf and forgets to take it back.

(31) The knight in yellow is now clear to be espied. Arthur sends herolds and his identity is cried out. (His name is written on the helmet [wtf?, NZ]). B. demands back his ring and is unidentifiable again. Gawain chases him to a forest, where B hides and sends his dwarf to Lyones, telling her that he will return. He comes to a castle

(32) He asks for lodging and is eventually admitted but warned of the lord who is an enemy to Arthur. He promises to yield to him if it is to no disadvantage. The lord does not appear and B leaves the next morning. He defeats Sir Bendelain on his travel, killing him, and is attacked by his 20 knights.

(33) The knights cannot kill B and kill his horse. He slays 16, the remaining 4 flee. He takes one of their hoses and meets 30 widows whose husbands were killed by the Brown Knight who is now killed by B. The widows are sent to Arthur. B. encounters the Duke de la Rowse at whose castle he had lodged and defeats him; he is sent to Arthur.

(34) B. is attacked by a knight. Lady Linet appears (now also given the name “Damoisel Savage”) and stops the fighting, revealing that it is Gawain and Gareth his brother. She staunches their wounds and calls for Arthur who comes (on a palfrey?!) with his train. Linet heals the two knights and informs her sister (Lyones)

(35) A marriage between Gareth and Lyones is planned for Mychelmas, at Kynkenadon. They already exchange two rings. In future, Gareth is often seen in Lancelot’s company; he avoids Gawain, though, due to his desire for vengeance.

(36) The Bishop of Canterbury marries Gareth and Lyones; by order of Arthur, Gaherys marries Lynet, Agravayne marries Laurel, a niece of Lyones’. The defeated knights come to Gareth and assume serving positions, the adventures of B. are told. There is jousting but the newly-wed do not participate On three days Sir Lamerak, Sir Tristram and Sir Lancelot defeat 30/40/50. The coloured knights brethren are made knights of the round table and so is the Duke le la Rouse. At the end of jousts, Sir Lamerak and Sir Tristram are suddenly vanished.