Talk:2007-08 BM1 Introduction to the Critical and Scholarly Discussion of Literature, Part 1

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National License

I have just received my user name and password from Berlin but I am having difficulties accessing the information. When I click on the link for next week's materials and enter my information it says nevertheless that my access is denied due to server problems or my name is invalid. However, when I go to my account from the link I can access the EBBO/ECCO site. BUT I cannot access the literature that is assigned. I type in the title of the literature but it says that it cannot be found. I tried using the password and username which were given during the lecture but those are denied as well when I use the direct link on Wiki. What can I do? Thanks,

Kelly Jamison

May be that is because the links I provided do already have the Oldenburg university access details in them - which might not match with your own log-in details. If you get into the EEBO or ECCO user-interface you should be able to find the titles with the regular search options.
PS. As to accounts within our wiki - do please use real name accounts, i.e. Kelly Jamison rather than KellyJ83 [1]
best --Olaf Simons 15:11, 27 October 2007 (CEST)

Können wir auch einen bekannten Text exzerpieren, anstatt zwei Bücher zu lesen?

Ein Buch müsst ihr lesen, eins aus der Liste (und selbst da erlaubt Anton Kirchhofer Teillektüren). Das andere ist ein kurzer Aufsatz und sollte drin sein.

Werden in den Tutorien Beispielaufgaben für den "written test" besprochen?

Wir bereiten euch auf den "written test" vor, die genaue Form steht momentan noch nicht fest. Man kann jedoch den letzten Test einsehen unter: Test

Gibt es noch ergänzende Literatur zur Vorlesung?

Zur Frage Geschichte des Literaturbegriffs gibt es [ein Kapitel meiner Diss], dem ich in VL3 strikt folgte, um die Sache nachvollziehbar zu machen. Die Überschrift müßt ihr nicht weiter bedenken, das Kapitel stand unter einer REihe grundsätzlicher Erwägungen zum Umgang mit vergangenen Konzepten - hier das Link für das ganze Kapitel:

Können wir die Exzerpte handschriftlich verfassen? und auf Deutsch?

Die Exzerpte sollen Euch nahelegen, grundsätzlich während des Lesens mitzuprotokollieren, was Ihr da gerade aufnehmt. UNsere eigenen, die wir auf Excerpt als Muster gaben, sind in ganz unterschiedlichen Formaten verfaßt. Mitunter liest man auf dem Sofa zusammengekauert, da hat man keinen Laptop um dauern notizen zu machen, aber vielleicht ein Klemmbrett, und notiert was passiert - kostet zwa etwas Zeit, die spielt sich aber wieder ein, wenn man zu dem Buch etwas sagen soll und nun Notizen hat.

Macht das also, wie es für Euch praktisch ist. Wir werden Euch Feedback geben, ob wir denken, daß Euch das später noch mal helfen könnte.

Wo finden wir die Texte der Liste "Literary Criticism"?

Diese Aufsätze findet ihr in der Bibliothek (--> Tipp: Sucht nach den Hrsg. Felicity Nussbaum bzw. Eric Hobsbawm).--Christina Stindl 20:06, 17 November 2007

Wir werden versuchen an diese Textze zu kommen - die Bücher sind prompt verliehen - unser Fehler, wir werden versuchen, pdfs zu erstellen.

Different Version of the Rise of the Novel

“Three different versions of the rise of the novel”

Version 1: The rise of the novel has been completed in 1700. This opinion is based on the fact that courtly romances were replaced by works of authors like Madame de La Fayette and Cervantes. The instructive moral of romances has been abolished and turned into more scandalous themes. Cervantes was the first one who gave up the typical style of writing and introduced themes like adultery and the disdain of the aristocracy.

Version 2: The first novel was not the “novella” but “Robinson Crusoe”. This statement is based on the findings of Ian Watt, who was able to view “Robinson Crusoe” as the first modern novel by referring to a drama called “Pamela” written by Richardson in 1740. Ian Watt recognized Daniel Defoe as the first one, who introduced the typical hero. Therefore, the drama written by Richardson can be regarded as a turning point and the start of the development of a new form of drama. By now, the individual becomes more important as well as the achievements that could be made by the individual him-/herself.

Version 3: Within the last thirty years, it has been realized that there must have been novels before “Robinson Crusoe”, so called proto novels. This discovery led to the fact that female authors increasingly became focus of public attention and started to gain respect.

The three versions have different advantages:

  • Version 1: Serves as a justification of the European scandalous short story, in regard to it`s context.
  • Version 2: Turned “Robinson Crusoe” into the first modern novel.
  • Version 3: Turned female authors into “mothers of the modern novel”

It has to be taken into account that:

  • Versions did not develop by chance
  • All three versions are true
  • Different versions pursue different goals
  • You define what you consider to be a novel or a romance
  • Stability of one definition is not given