About me
- Studied English, Political Science in Oldenburg and Stockholm.
- Worked in the Office for International Relations, City of Oldenburg
- Worked for the Salzburg Global Seminar and the Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change
- Master thesis: "Literary Representations of Torture from the Gothic Novel to Contemporary Anglophone Fiction." (2009)
- Amateur photographer: [Homepage]
- PhD project: "Torture Representations and the Problems of the Human Rights Subject in the Post-9/11 Discourse." (working title).
- Coordinator for the Buddy Program of the International Students Office / Institut for American Studies
- Lecturer and Researcher
- Research Assistant to Professor Kirchhofer
- Teaching: Introduction to the Critical and Scholarly Discussion of Literature, Contemporary Novel, Torture, Human Rights, post-9/11 literature and film, muslim representations in film and literature
- Research: literary representations of torture, human rights discourses, political torture, contemporary Anglophone literature, literary and cultural theory
- Coordinator of the BM7 VL/Ü Historical Backgrounds and Critical Concepts / Key Concepts in Cultural Studies
- "Literature and Cultural Diplomacy: An Essay on Cultural Readings". Insitute for Cultural Diplomacy. (December 2011). online
- "From "infrequent shock to […] main thread of the plot" – Professional Techniques of Torture and The Discursive Participation of Fox’s TV-Series 24 since 9/11". Cambridge Scholars Publishers. US and Them (Tagungsband)(in print)
- “The Internet is leaking” – Zur Produktion, Zirkulation und politischen Aneignung von Internet-Memes im Kontext der Occupy Wallstreet Bewegung. in Pop/Wissen/Transfers (Tagungsband) (in Print)
- "Wörter am Fließband". Die Zeit.online. 27.12.2010. online
- "Film "Zero Dark Thirty": Folterknechte am Schreibtisch". Die Zeit.online. 001.02.2013. online
- "24: Jack Bauer ist zurück". Die Zeit.online. 06.05.2014. online
- "TV-Serien: Die Saat des Misstrauens". Die Zeit.online. 28.05.2014. online
Talks & Papers
- "Torture after Foucault: Traces of the Torturer in Discipline and Punish and US-American Torture Manuals." Captivity and Culpability: The Disciplining Subject in the Literary and Cultural Imagination (Human Rights Consortium/University of London 14-15 Dec 2012)
- "Making sense of pain and representation: On the paradoxical discursive pattern of torture representation and legitimacy." 3rd Global Conference: A Making Sense of: Pain (Inter-Disciplinary.Net/Prague 19-21 May 2012) / Chair of the Panel: Pain and Meaning
- "Transformation von Popkultur und popkulturelles Wissen in politische Symbole des Dissens: Zur Verwendung und Instrumentalisierung von online Sprache und Ikonographie durch die jüngsten sozialen Bewegungen in den USA" Jahrestagung der AG Populärkultur und Medien der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (Universität Oldenburg/Edith Russ Haus: 13-14 Januar 2012)
- "Menschenwürde im Folterdiskurs seit dem 11. September – Das gefolterte Subjekt zwischen Unantastbarkeit und konsequentialistischem Relativismus." Verfassung und Transzendenz (Technische Universität Dresden/SFB Transzendenz und Gemeinsinn: 25-26 November 2011).
- "Plotting the Power Dilemma of Politics and Language: Literary Representations of Torture in a World after 9/11". Who is 'us' and who is 'them' after 9/11 – Reflections on Language, Culture and Literature in Times of Ideological Clashes (Uniwersytet Szczecin, Poland: 21-23 September 2011).
- "Literature and Cultural Diplomacy: Different Culture, Different Reading?". The Language of Art & Music - A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization. (Institut for Cultural Diplomacy, London: 25-29, August 2011)
- "Depicting “Resistant Sources” under Torture in US-American TV-Series after 9/11."Resistance. Subjects, Representations, Contexts (Carl von Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg, 6-8 November 2014)
Daniel Sip
Institute of English and American Studies
Room: A 06 2-212a
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
D-26129 Oldenburg
Office Hours
every Thursday from 10-11am
Daniel Šíp, Magister
Born in Hamburg. Studied English (Anglophone Literature) and Political Sciences at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg. Magister thesis analysed "Literary Representations of Torture from the Gothic Novel to Contemporary Anglophone Fiction".
Currently researches for a dissertation project on Torture, Democracy and Human Rights in US-American TV-Series after 9/11at the Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik at Oldenburg University with the particular focus interest on mechanisms of reciprocal interference between torture depictions and public negotiations of torture in US-American news media.
Worked for governmental institutions and NGOs in Germany and Austria.