Academic Study Skills Workshop
A workshop designed (mainly) for 3rd semester students (after successful completion of the BM).
A possible structure might look like this:
Workshop A
Date: Orientation week Instructor: staff member Content: Introducing aspects of academic study skills/content of coming workshops (ca. 20 min per workshop + discussion) Length: 3-4 hours
Workshops 1-6 should be taught be tutors. Additional support-Sprechstunden may be held by members of staff.
- Academic research I (databases, library resources)
- Academic reasearch II (citing other people's work, constructing a research question)
- Academic writing (basic differences between the different research fields)
- Presentation skills I (technical stuff)
- Presentation skills II (people)
- Presentation skills III (presenting your work on paper)
- Creating handouts
- Creating additional materials for a presentation
- Creating a term paper
Workshop 1: Academic research I
- how to use local databases and catalogues
- how to use the internet (search machines, web catalogues, databases)
- how to use library sources (in addition with an "know your area and subject" Schnitzeljagd)
Workshop 2: Academic research II
- stylesheets
- how to quote and cite correctly
- how to create a bibliography
- using different types of database software (Endnote, Citation, Excel)
Workshop 3: Academic writing
- how to structure a seminar/term paper
- different styles for different Fachkomponenten
- abstract writing as an art
- condensing academic writing to poster content
Workshop 4: Presentation Skills I
- Powerpoint
- know your way around your word processing software
- how to create transparencies for OHPs
- poster design
- how to set up a computer and a digital projector
Workshop 5: Presentation Skills II
- body language
- academic language of presentations
- teamworking skills
- how to involve your audience
Workshop 6: Presentation Skills II
- creating handouts
- creating additional material for your presentation (wiki, html etc)