Are You Making This Common Blunder With Patchouli Essential Oil

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It was my husband, a burly 6 footer, who introduced me to the thrills of patchouli essential oil.

We hadn"t fully unpacked all our boxes before running off to Hawaii on our honeymoon, before then he "d been really hectic for weeks. Finally I firmly insisted the small mountain of things needed to be sorted out, so together we began going through it all ...

Together with some images in a shoebox my eye identified a little black velvet pouch. As I lifted it in one hand I found it to be heavy.

"Careful with that, that"s my patchouli".

His what? The pouch held a small brown bottle with a distinctive blue label. He opened it for me and wafted it near my nose for a moment, prior to closing it with remarkably tender hands.

As I captured the scent I was flooded with memories, both far-off and current, all of them amazing!

"You wore this the first time I visited your home." I observed. He corrected me and discussed it had not been cologne, which he "d used a diffuser.

I insisted on another whiff and once again found myself transported to parties, a nearly forgotten camping journey ...

"It"s a warm, snuggly sort of scent. Makes me want to snuggle up with someone.".

Luke"s eyebrows waggled and he gave me a hesitant grin. I accused him of seducing me with it. "Guilty as charged.".

From that moment we began using it, when we eventually found his diffuser, especially on Friday nights.

Then I made a horrible boo-boo!

I understood Luke"s oil was at least 4 years old, so when I discovered a store selling essential oils I asked if they had any patchouli? Apparently it"s really, popular and they had plenty, and rather low-cost too, so I bought two of them.

When I got home I threw the old stale bottle out, as it was only 1/4 full, and cheerfully put the two new, fresh bottles in its location.

Come Friday night-- catastrophe!

I put 6 drops in the diffuser as usual, however instead of the enjoyable and reassuring aroma that made us both so touchy-feely, there was a sharp, acrid smell.

We both disliked it and opened the windows! Which"s when Luke explained to me that unlike a lot of oils, patchouli essential oil gets better with age ...

His oil was a professional brand, pre-aged before shipping. He approximates it will certainly be at least another year prior to our new oil is anywhere near as nice as the one I tossed out!

You can learn from my mistake, purchase a good brand name and keep it!. Check Out This Patchouli Oil Product Now is a stylish library for further about the inner workings of this thing.

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