As an Associate Youth Pastor I ve been treated like a 2nd class citizen

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Posted: 0-4 Apr 2008 08:55 pm Post subject: Are Associate or Youth Pastors second course in their calling


Is not God good? There are occasions when we could get upset with those around us and only turn to One who is True and loving. I have had the satisfaction of serving as a Senior Pastor and as a Youth Pastor. I have discovered slights and cultural Faux Pas on-the part of others. What I have learned is there can be a feeling from some Senior Pastors that their calling is somehow better than those of a Youth or Associate Pastor.

We first must realize that God, who is good, is The One who calls us in to a new life in His Son The Lord Jesus Christ. Get more on the affiliated site by clicking lee mcfarland. Our church in East Longmeadow Massachusetts ( ) features a maxim that people unofficially put in every effort. "All to maturity, some for service."

We"re all called to be adult believers in Christ. Some, by Gods" (yes I intended to put a comma on the right side of the "s" showing plural possessive) grace are called to be ministers.

As a called-out minister we"re a gift to the local church.1 God gave us for the local churches that we serve in. The occasions that I have been asked, "Just how do you know you are called"? I have answered, "You will be unhappy if you don"t preach or minister. If you"re called by God and you do not pursue his calling you will be unhappy till you submit to God and pursue His will on your work-in His vineyard."

Speaking of work, one day, while attending a Pastor"s fellowship (I was a Youth Pastor at that time), a Senior Pastor from another church questioned my Senior Pastor for help with setting up for lunch. One other Pastor screamed across the area, "Hey Bro. Again. The trend is to get your man and help me with these seats." My Pastor did not think any such thing in what the man had said. I wanted to shout, Hey Pastor ____. I am God"s man, not this man or any man on earth. I work for One. Discover extra info on this partner wiki - Click here: lee mcfarland. This man happens to sign my paycheck and I"m accountable to him... maybe I was only being a touch too delicate during the time. Discover further on site by visiting our telling article.

Until I went to a Pastors fellowship in-a different state, where no body knew me. I approached several men who were cutting up and laughing, as I was somewhat early and alone. As I approached them, I presented myself as Pastor Stevens from Springfield, MA. They welcomed me and introduced themselves as Senior Pastors and all went around. I answered that maybe they misunderstood me, I responded that I was a Pastor, when they asked me which church I Pastored.

There clearly was a clear quieting of the jesting with me. They each subsequently stopped and avoided talking with me, though I interjected on the few details that they made. I used to be being treated as a second class citizen. Ultimately all of them avoided eye contact with me for the remainder of my visit.

How about you? Being a Senior Pastor have you ever looked down your nose at someone who was something other than a Senior Pastor? Or as an Associate, you"ve been treated as a second class citizen? Or are you that Senior Pastor that recalls what it was like to be treated that way when you were an Associate.


Pastor David Stevens

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