FFGC Organic Decaf Gourmet Coffee - 100 Percent Pure Arabica Beans Fantastic Quality And Taste

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If you"re anything like me, the desire to find a great decaffeinated coffee has actually been ON for quite a while. Don"t get me wrong, I am a tried and true coffee lover but after a particular hour, drinking coffee negatively affects my sleep. It"s enjoyable to have coffee after dinner with dessert however I cannot risk burning the midnight oil counting sheep. I"ve tasted every decaf available and I can say without a doubt that this one is Fantastic! It has a full bodied, rich flavor and does not leave me believing that it"s unleaded. A close friend of mine went to a coffee tasting party and it was among the coffees included there. Since then, she"s been calling everyone about it. It"s slightly more expensive than other decafs I have bought, but worth the little bit extra. When you are selecting a decaf coffee, you can manage to spend a bit more due to the fact that it"s a specialized coffee and not the one you consume all the time. I had a good time tasting Findlays Guilt-Free Decaf coffee with my friend and seeing if we could actually taste all the notes suggested in the cupping notes. To my surprise, we actually could! I don"t consider myself a coffee specialist. I have actually had the pleasure of trying a lot of good coffees, but I don"t believe that counts... Discover further on a related essay - Click here: Find out more at amazon.com/Findlays-Finest-Gourmet-chemical-free-artificially/dp/B00O5DKPO4/decaf coffee/. none-the-less what I discovered is that you don"t need to be an expert to value the subtle flavors. When you have the cupping notes as a guide, it"s simpler to taste the flavors the experts taste. I believe my taste buds are actually becoming more discerning because when I return to my regular coffee, I am sadly disappointed.

I have to state that this business (Findlays Finest Gourmet Coffee) truly goes above and beyond. Not only did they follow-up with me several times, they sent me information on how to store the coffee for freshness. They also sent a list of milk and sweetener options. I found these recommendations actually practical and am making it my mission to go through the whole list.  :-)

Findlays Finest Guilt-Free Decaf is readily available on Amazon.com, which is great! They have world-class customer support and I notice that I am counting on them increasingly more for daily purchases. Shipping is totally free with orders over $35 and its delivered right to your door. With my busy schedule, I truly appreciate that.

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