FFGC Rich Espresso Gourmet Coffee - 100 Pure Arabica Beans Fantastic Quality And Taste

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Coffee is always a vital part of my morning routine but recently I"ve been questioning if there was something much better out there than my usual Mojo. I normally buy my coffee at Wal-Mart or Target based on lowest cost but to tell the truth, it"s been more and more frustrating lately. I was thinking about making a change.

I"ll confess I am a fantastic coffee enthusiast but nowhere near a professional. I"ve never taken the time to enlighten myself about coffee. It"s simply a part of the morning routine. So when my good friend welcomed me over and served me Rich Espresso from Findlays Finest Gourmet Coffee (FFGC) I was struck by her enthusiasm. She is constantly trying new things and this time it seems she "d been to a Public Coffee Cupping & discovered this terrific brand-new coffee company. I wasn"t sure what a Coffee Cupping was but she set me straight; it"s a coffee tasting event open to the general public, generally taking place in the evening or on weekends, where you get to try all the current coffees and brand-new roasts or blends. It"s a great way to taste different coffees, she explained, and discover ones that please your tastes without buying them all separately. She found this new business, FFGC, and liked all of their coffees - Rich Espresso, Organic Espresso and Guilt-Free Decaf. She had actually made the Rich Espresso for me with its Fresh Pine and Soft Caramel aroma, it was quite delicious!

I was delighted to discover that these coffees were offered from Amazon. To read more, you are able to check out: Click this link for more on this gourmet coffee product. I am a big fan of online shopping because it"s so simple. My schedule is insane which does not leave much time for shopping. I buy as much as I can online to save time. Amazon has wonderful totally free shipping for orders over $35, which is very simple to do. 2 or 3 clicks and you"re done! With their world-class client services and simple return policy, you can not fail. If FFGC is with Amazon, they have to be a great company. I have no lingering doubts purchasing items from them because I know my Visa details are safe.

I tasted all 3 varieties over the past 3 weeks and they are all excellent. What truly impressed me about Findlays Finest was the follow-up. They guaranteed that I got my order, and more importantly, they gave me a lot of superb suggestions on how to appropriately store and prepare it properly, for the best taste. They even threw in a list of sugar & milk replacements and flavor enhancers. I am looking forward to impressing my friends!.

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