Hot Diggity Hot Spot Treatment for Dogs - New Hot Spot Treatment available on Amazon

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I never ever thought I could get my dog to stop her uncontrollable chewing. I have actually taken her to vets and groomers and have attempted a multitude of different items however absolutely nothing seemed to help. A neighbor recommended a brand-new product that worked on her dog which she bought on Amazon called "Hot Diggity Hot Spot Treatment" by Sunshine Jack. I took her recommendations and ordered it (with my free shipping on Amazon Prime which meant that the product arrived the next day!) and I tried it on my dog. The bottle has a mist sprayer so I was able to gently coat the areas that appear to trouble her the most. The sprayer makes it less messy than the other oil products that I have tried in the past and the natural botanical oils of peppermint, clove and almonds seemed like a better approach than the other medicated products.

I can honestly say that I was doubtful when I ordered the product since nothing else has actually worked in the past, however this treatment by Sunshine Jack actually got my dog to stop chewing!!! What a great surprise ...! My neighbor speaks highly of it ... and now I am a believer, too. Plus - the label is humorous and the line "Avoid the Cone of Shame" hits the nail on the head as I have never ever wished to put one of those anti-chew plastic cones around my canine"s neck!. This interesting Find out more at spot treatment for dogs/ web site has collected surprising tips for how to mull over it.

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