Mentha pierita verses Mentha arvensis Which One is The Genuine Peppermint Essential Oil

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Can you tell the difference between a true peppermint essential oil, and it"s inferior cousin? If you realize this one simple fact, you"ll never fret about purchasing a counterfeit peppermint product again.

You know, it is always about money and marketing. Permit me to paint you a picture. Do you ever get confused when you browse the supermarket? Sugar free verses fat free, which is better? Whole grain, multi-grain, white, or stone ground, I could just ramble on. Most of us know that labels are deceiving. And, to understand what we are buying, we need some education and must analysis. We MUST inspect the ingredients. READ THE LABEL!!

Good news, no, it is really terrific news! Buying peppermint essential oils is very easy if you know this one basic fact. Here it is. Mentha piperita is the ONLY authentic Peppermint Essential Oil.

So, read that active ingredients label because LATIN NAMES TRULY DO MATTER!! If you desire real pure peppermint essential oil, then you need to buy Mentha piperita.

Your active ingredients label should state something like this:.
Peppermint Essential Oil (Mentha piperita) - Therapeutic Grade, 100 % Pure Steam Distilled Oil, No Additives.

Remember, if it does not say Mentha piperita, then it is not peppermint oil. Many products in the sector say they are peppermint oil, but they are not. The inferior counterpart you"ll see being promoted most often is Mentha arvensis which is in fact corn mint, not peppermint.

If you are like me, then, you might even have some corn mint in your cupboard that claims to be peppermint. Visit Click this link for more on this peppermint oil product to research the meaning behind it. Heck, I did simply because I didn"t know there was a big difference. Well, I know now and if you are seeking a genuine authentic peppermint oil, let me share with you what I found on Amazon.

I stumbled across a premium, therapeutic grade, peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita) which is superb. It comes in a 4 ounce amber bottle with a dropper. It is a great bargain when compared to the 10ml or 1 oz. sizes.

When I found Green Spirit Naturals peppermint oil on Amazon, I was delighted. I"m a huge Amazon fan. I just really love their money back guarantees, service, and speedy shipping (with PRIME you even get free shipping).

Well, it goes without saying, I threw away my old corn mint and opted to try Green Spirit Naturals, peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita). At last, I had discovered the real deal and it turned out to be a fantastic decision. I bought a terrific oil at a terrific price, and received exceptional service. I"ve purchased a load of stuff on Amazon and they are always fantastic, but what really impressed me most (besides the oil) was the incredible follow up that I received from Green Spirit Naturals. They seem to genuinely care about my satisfaction with their product. They even sent me safety information and facts, and tips on all the different uses for peppermint oil. I can"t tell you the amount of times I said (in my head) I didn"t know that.

Like I said, I"m a huge Amazon fan and have purchased a lot of merchandise, but this was the very first time I"d actually heard anything from the company and received this kind of follow-up. Impressive product, superior quality, and fantastic service, yes, I am a pleased patron.

If you need some REAL, AUTHENTIC, PURE peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita), then trust me, purchase it from Green Spirit Naturals. During the winter, demand for peppermint oil goes way up because it is such a great natural remedy for your cold and breathing issues..

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