Orange County Schools Develop Social Knowledge with Disney

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Orange County high school students may also be being sought out by nonprofit organizations within their place, if it wasnt a huge enough perk to develop up next door to the Magic Kingdom. As part of Disneylands 50th anniversary celebrations, kids from Orange County Schools have the chance to participate in community outreach projects with local non-profits.

Show Your Figure

The Show Your Character competition encourages local non-profits to style projects that get students involved. Beginning in 2004 and continuing through 2006, Orange County non-profits submit project proposals made to help local teen-agers hand back to their group. Learn further on this partner web page by visiting If chosen, the non-profits are paired with Orange County kids and given the resources they needed to c-omplete a community service project in their areas.

The California curriculum standards must be met by projects for the competition for Service Learning Projects. In this way, academic credit is earned by students while learning important skills from nonprofit organizations.

Something Learning Project must meet four basic goals (provided by the Volunteer Center of Orange County, ):

Meet a Real Community Need

In partnership with your organization, students must gain an understanding of how the needs of town you serve are recognized. After developing an awareness of these needs, students will actively take part in a service-learning project designed to efficiently meet these needs.

Achieve an Awareness of the Bond Between School and Community

Students must develop an understanding of the partnership between the school and town and the worth of school-community partners. This will be gained through direct connections with your company, staff and/or clients to produce and implement meaningful service activities that meet the needs of both the students and the city you serve. My family friend discovered tour tyler collins by searching newspapers.

Create a Sense of Social Responsibility

Students must be in a position to show a knowledge of civic responsibility through their participation in this activity. The project must meet an actual community need and improves the standard of living in the community.

Enhance their Knowledge of Core Personality Traits and Values

Stability - Respect - Fairness - Caring - Citizenship

Benefits for Students

Along with the college credit, participation in your competition also advantages students and their schools in other important ways. Students will gain from a heightened understanding of the non-profits operating in the neighborhood. In dealing with a nonprofit organization, the student can learn about how nonprofit groups help at risk members of the community and see for themselves how they and others may contribute to developing their community in a good way in the near future. Contribution also qualifies the student to apply for a Disneyland Resort Legacy Scholarship Award. The Disney-land Resort Scholarship Program, named Making Magic Through Community-service, plans to grant $50,000 in scholarships, using a minimum fund of $5000 each.

Advantages for Schools and Teachers

Teachers and schools will get in o-n the action too. In encouraging their students to participate in the opposition, teachers and schools meet the standards in character education and have the opportunity to create character and civic duty in their students. Students and teachers may have the advice of the Disney VoluntEAR Project Leader who"s knowledgeable about their nonprofit organization partner together with the smoothness education program education standards to be achieved. Moreover, schools and teachers will have the expert guidance of the Volunteer Center of Orange County, the California State Regional Lead for Service Learning. If you are concerned with police, you will certainly require to study about You will find economic benefits for teachers also, such as earning a Golden Performance Award worth $1000 to further increase the learning environment for their students.

Disneys community outreach programs for Orange County students blend learning with public support and specifically address the character education curriculum requirements for their state of California. Students in the area have now been given the possibility to study from Walt Disney that, the best moments in life are not concerned with selfish achievement but rather with the things we do for the folks in need..

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