Professional Quality Culinary Blow Torch for Crème Brule Melting Cheese Browning or Crisping Meat.

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If you are an self confessed home cook like me, you most likely would have never given a second thought about acquiring a culinary blowtorch. I bought one after seeing one of those cooking shows on TV it changed my life!

I must admit that I am not a chef by any means, but one thing I have is the enthusiasm to experiment. After seeing how easy it was to create that perfect brown, crispy skin on a chicken or pork roast or how fast you can create a Creme Brule crunchy sugar top, I just had to get one.

Using my birthday as a good reason to buy something I really wanted for myself, I logged on to AMAZON and found this incredible looking kitchen blow torch for what I thought was a really good price and bought it. Also bought Zippo Lighter Fluid to fill it up with on AMAZON. And that is when the fun began!

I dug out my recipe books and ramekins and made my first Creme Brule. For one more viewpoint, please consider having a gaze at: Read more about this Chefs Blowtorch product. I couldn"t wait for it to set in the fridge so I could try out my new blowtorch.

And then came the moment of truth - a sprinkled a teaspoons of brown sugar on top (didn"t have Demerara sugar but the brown sugar worked a treat), lit my blowtorch and like a real professional melted the sugar in a circular motion. Then I left it to set and within a minute it set to a beautiful layer of solid sugar crust. I could"t wait for the hubby to get home - I just had to have one right there and boy was that divine...!

It was just the beginning of lots of experimentation of heating and melting and browning. I still have lots to learn but having lots of fun doing just that! My Kitchen Blow Torch now has a honorary spot in my kitchen. I really don"t know how I ever cooked without it!

It really is the secret to great looking food..

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