Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome And Massage Therapy

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Do you"ve foot pain or numbness? You could have a disorder referred to as Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. Bodywork and massage therapy are extremely effective in treating problems as a result of muscular and connective tissue problems. In my San Antonio, Texas based Massage and Bodywork exercise I usually treat pain from various muscular and nerve entrapment syndromes such as the apparently rare Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. Like many painful problems Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome responds very well to treatment by massage therapy and bodywork. Be taught additional information about read more by navigating to our offensive URL.

What is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome may be the name of-a painful nerve entrapment situation, in which the posterior tibial nerve is placed under excessive pressure by the connective tissue forming the tarsal tunnel at the inside of the foot and one other structures in that area like muscles from lower leg muscles. Suffering results from myofascial trigger points (knots) in the muscle, when the muscle tendons passing through the tarsal tunnel become tight and enlarged, and pressure on the posterior tibial nerve which passes through the tarsal tunnel. Pain from Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is generally within the leg, heel, and sole of the base. Identify extra information on our related paper - Browse this link: foot & ankle surgery albuquerque. Moreover, there may be numbness or even a pins and needles feeling in sole of the base and sometimes the toes. All the time the symptoms are on a single affected side, but might affect both sides at the same time.

What is the cause of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?

There are certainly a number of causes for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. Massage therapy is prevented by some causes of this condition from being the best approach to treatment. But, you will find other causes of this painful syndrome that produce massage therapy among the best types of treatment. These causes include direct blunt upheaval to the within the ankle close to the tarsal canal itself; ankle sprains of the inner ankle certainly are a common cause of this syndrome; and, this problem may also be due to overuse and/or repeated strain of the flexor muscles of the lower leg particularly when dropped arches and/or over-pronation is present.

Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork for Tarsal Canal Syndrome

There are lots of techniques bodywork and therapeutic massage can be used to treat Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. The massage therapist can employ a number of ways to relieve the situation. For example the massage therapist might use Neuromuscular Therapy or Trigger Point Therapy to eliminate myo-fascial trigger points and associated stress within the flexor muscles whose tendons move across the tarsal canal. The massage therapist might also use Myofascial Release techniques or Deep Tissue Massage techniques to launch adhesions between the flexor retinaculum forming the tarsal tunnel and the tissues passing through the tunnel while also applying Muscle Energy Techniques to softly prolong the same muscles to lessen tension in the tissues. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome also responds well to positional release therapies such as Ortho-Bionomy which assist the body"s nervous system to release muscles and improve joint movement in the area - especially in the subtalar joint and posture of the base. Comprehensive treatment with bodywork and massage, in conjunction with a home program of exercise and stretching, may help to completely solve Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.

Other Treatments for Tarsal Tube Syndrome

While therapeutic massage and bodywork are an excellent treatment for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome there are other solutions you should consult with your physician:

Corticosteroid Shots

Anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

Functional Foot Orthotics

Dorsal Night Splint

Decompressive Surgery

Other Names for Tarsal Canal Problem

Squeezed Nerve

The information on this page has been offered for information purposes only. It"s perhaps not designed to give a medical examination, merely a licensed doctor may identify Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. If you feel that you"ve the outward indications of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome please see a medical doctor to get a correct diagnosis and plan of treatment which might include massage therapy and bodywork. There are quite a few critical conditions that are similar Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome that can require immediate medical attention.

If, after consulting a medical doctor, you would like to follow therapy of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome with Massage Therapy and Bodywork please contact me at my San Antonio Massage and Bodywork practice or contact a Therapist near you..

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