The Creative Writing Society Oldenburg
The Creative Writing Society Oldenburg (CWS)
Who are we?
We are a small group of students, former students and alumni of the University of Oldenburg. A few years ago some of us participated in a creative writing class, and when it ended we started meeting once every fortnight to improve our English language skills, to read new texts to each other and to simply talk about them. The fortnight meeting was getting harder to keep up, though, so nowadays, we meet once a month.
What do we do?
We meet once a month on Friday evening to work on texts together, review each others writings, write together and generally have a lots of fun. Each of our meetings has a specific topic (e.g. "Poetry", "Writing dialogues", "Plot and structure of short stories"). Following the meeting, we also publish two writing prompts on the homepage that correlate to that meeting's topic, so that those who could not attend the meeting due to time constraints still have the possibility to write something till the next meeting.
Visit our homepage to read more about us.
What are we doing in 2013?
It's business as usual, this year. After last year's detour into novel writing, we are now back on our usual rhythm of one meeting a month, with changing topics each meeting.
This year's topics are:
February: "Writing Crime Fiction"
March: "Captivating Dialogues"
April: "Exercises on Point of View"
May: "How to write sketches and short plays"
June: "Using the character arc in plot"
July: "Experimental Poetry"
August: "The rules of Screenwriting: Plot and character development in movies"
September: "Understanding scene structure"
October: "Slam Poetry: Performing Poetry on Stage"
November: "The Weekend Novelist: common plot problems and how to solve them"
December: "Self-editing for novelists"
July will also see a renewal of our annual "Writing Calendar". We will publish a website on which a new writing exercise is publicized each day during the month. The participants then have two days to finish each exercise and publish their results. Those participants who have collected the most points (through finished tasks) at the end of the month win specially chosen prizes.
Who can participate?
Anyone who wants to learn how to write better stories, poems and plays... and who isn't afraid of discussing his/her own writings within the group. We accept only english written texts, because we aim to improve our English language skills. However, we are not picky about how good or bad your English is. Much more important is your dedication to writing.
If you want to participate in a meeting, please, contact us through the homepage: Creative Writing Society Oldenburg