Course registration at StudIP

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If you want to attend a course you have to register at StudIP. The software is extremely sophisticated and useful. A couple of handicaps have, however, to be taken into account.

  • The registration period does usually begin with a rush at all potentially attractive seminars. Their lists can be full within a couple of days - leaving a waiting list for all late comers.
  • Those who register early are a special group: many of them register at several courses they will eventually not attend, just to make sure that they have all options to chose later.
  • If you are sincerely interested in a seminar that looks full already, do enter the waiting list and attend the first sessions.
  • If you are a lecturer and offer a seminar, be aware of the fact that the number of registered students will not help you to get more than a rough idea of what is to happen. The regular attendance will be at about 50% of those registered on the official list and the waiting list.
    • If more than 40 students apply for your seminar you will be expected to start with dismissing people from the waiting list - the procedure is problematic as it privileges all those who registered courses quickly and at random. Those who enter the waiting list are often the more interesting candidates - students who are ready to apply for your seminar even if they have little hope to succeed.
  • It would be superb if those who registered and do not attend a course unregistered during week two or three, so that StudIp can provide an accurate list of those who attend the seminar - a list your lecturers need to send e-mails to their participants.