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Britain and Europe
1. History

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Research criteria

2. Major events

2.1 European Free Trade Association
2.2 Applications for EEC membership
2.2.1 First application (1961)
2.2.2 Second application (1967)
2.2.3 Entry to the EEC (1973)
2.2.4 Referendum (1975)
2.3 European projects/policies
2.3.1 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
2.3.2 Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
2.3.3 Single European Act (1986)
2.3.4 Maastricht Treary (1992)

3. Latest Developments

Latest Developments

4. Help


5. Bibliography

Useful literature on Britain and Europe

Future projects

Bosnia (1999)
War on Terror after 9/11
Afghanistan (2001)
Iraq II (2003)


John Alistair Kühne

The referendum on entry into the EEC was held on 5 June 1975. The result was positive; the campaign that preceded the referendum had welded the Labour government together with the Conservatives and the Liberals. In the end the referendum was won 2 to 1.
In total figures this meant approx. 17,5 m (67,2%) voted 'yes' and 8,47 m (32,8%) voted 'no'.

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