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Britain and Europe
1. History

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Research criteria

2. Major events

2.1 European Free Trade Association
2.2 Applications for EEC membership
2.2.1 First application (1961)
2.2.2 Second application (1967)
2.2.3 Entry to the EEC (1973)
2.2.4 Referendum (1975)
2.3 European projects/policies
2.3.1 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
2.3.2 Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
2.3.3 Single European Act (1986)
2.3.4 Maastricht Treary (1992)

3. Latest Developments

Latest Developments

4. Help


5. Bibliography

Useful literature on Britain and Europe

Future projects

Bosnia (1999)
War on Terror after 9/11
Afghanistan (2001)
Iraq II (2003)


John Alistair Kühne

The Maastricht Treaty on European Union initiated the road to political and economic and monetary union. It was drafted at a historic juncture in which the reunification of Germany and the fall of the Soviet block made necessary a re-thinking of the European project. Among several significant innovations, such as EU citizenship and the EMU, the Treaty of Maastricht created the so-called three pillar structure. It was signed on 7 February 1992 and came into force on 1 November 1993. (cf. Carlos Closa's site)

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