2008-09 MM Academic Discourse in Cultural Studies: The US Presidential Election 2008

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US Presidential Election, 2008


1. Electoral System and Polls
2. Election Blog
3. Helpful Links
4. Current Issues

4.1. Updated Electoral Map
4.2 US Foreign Policy
4.3 Health Care in the US
4.4 Issues Concerning Race in the US
4.5 US Defense Policy
4.6 Economic Policy
4.7 Science Policy
4.8 Environmental Policy

5. Media Coverage]]

5.1 US Newspapers
5.2 Newspaper Editorials
5.3 News Radio Stations
5.4 TV Stations
5.5 Podcasts
5.6 Ads
5.7 Fact Checking

6. Candidates for President and Vice-President

6.1 The Democratic Party
6.1.2 Democratic Party Candidates Senator Barack Obama Senator Joe Biden
6.2 The GOP
6.2.1 Republican Party Candidates Senator John McCain Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
6.3 Speeches
6.4 Debates and Parodies

7 Miscellaneous

7.1 Additional Political Videos
7.2 Political Satire
7.3 Movies about Elections

Obama 4 President Countdown!

Bitte tragt an dieser Stelle eure Namen und in Klammern dahinter ein, WAS genau Ihr mitbringt!

Kaffeemaschine/ Filter/ Wasserkocher/Küchenrolle: Miriam Argundogan (beide Geräte inkl. Filter und Küchenrolle) Kann auch einen Wasserkocher mitbringen. Einer ist vielleicht zu wenig, oder? (Marc)

Milch und Zucker: Anna Kubik

Kaffee/Tee: Anna Kubik (kann Tee mitbringen, mal sehen was den Kaffee angeht...)

Süßigkeiten: Anna Kubik: Schokolade!

Kekse/ Kuchen:

"Obamas" & "McCains" aka. Brownies & Blondies (der andere Gerrit)

home made chocolate chip cookies (Gerrit P.)

Brownies und Kuchen (Anke und Josefine)

Brownies und Muffins (Ina und Anja B.)

Knabberzeug / Chips/ Erdnüsse/ Flips etc.:

Chips (Lindsay and Heiko 2 Tüten)

Tuc, veg & dip (Nina)


"The Melting Pot" aka. Hackfleisch-, Kaese-, Lauch-Suppe (der andere Gerrit)


We could have a President quiz... Done! (Brigitte)

Sonstiges: Für das richtige US-Ambiente wäre ein wenig Raumdeko nicht verkehrt. Wenn ihr also alte Flaggen oder anderen patriotischen Krams findet, MITBRINGEN!!! :) (maggie)

Ideen für Spiele:

You can find the video clip that explains how the presidential election works at:

Video: Electing a US President in Plain English http://commoncraft.com/store-item/election

Here is a video of Homer Simpson trying to vote for Obama:
