Britain and Europe - Research criteria

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Britain and Europe
1. History

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Research criteria

2. Major events

2.1 European Free Trade Association
2.2 Applications for EEC membership
2.2.1 First application (1961)
2.2.2 Second application (1967)
2.2.3 Entry to the EEC (1973)
2.2.4 Referendum (1975)
2.3 European projects/policies
2.3.1 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
2.3.2 Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
2.3.3 Single European Act (1986)
2.3.4 Maastricht Treary (1992)

3. Latest Developments

Latest Developments

4. Help


5. Bibliography

Useful literature on Britain and Europe

Future projects

Bosnia (1999)
War on Terror after 9/11
Afghanistan (2001)
Iraq II (2003)


John Alistair Kühne

The research criteria were pretty straightforward. With the help of a few books I tried to find the most important topics concerning Britain and Europe and then started searching the keywords with a prominent search engine.
To give this wiki credibility I tried to rely on as many official websites as possible. Supranationally, of course, needs to be mentioned.
On the national level I relied on the BBC News website, and those of the respective governments of the United Kingdom and Germany.
In addition websites from universities also proved a resourceful way to gather information on this topic.