Le Morte Darthur Book 9

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Chapter 19: Dagonet, King Arthur's fool comes across the mad Tristram. Tristram puts him and his squires into a well and humiliates him, while shepherds laught at Dagonet. Tristram runs naked in the woods for half a year. Palomides finds out about Tristram's madness. Kehydius and Palomides set off to look for Tristram. They encounter King Mark. Palomides wants to avenge Tristram and fight Mark, but Mark refuses. Mark and Palomides reconciliate. Dagonet tries to attack the shephers, but Tristram attacks him and his squire and defeats them. Dagonet goes to King Mark and tells him of the incident. Mark claims that the madman is a Sir Matto le Breune.

Chapter 20: Sir Andred spreads tumours that Tristram is dead and that he asked Mark to make Andred the lord of the country of de Liones. La Beale Isoud attempts to commit suicide, but she is stopped by King Mark, who puts her in a tower. Tristram slays the giant Tauleas and rescues Sir Dinant.

Chapter 21: